24. roadtrip*

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24. roadtrip*



During dinner, the mood in the room was still somewhat low spirited, but there was a glimmer of hope in the air as always. Ravindra Jadeja, ever observant, noticed her swirling her wine in the glass with a distant look in her eyes. Concerned, he leaned in slightly.

"Everything okay, Nandhini?" Jadeja asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Nandhini glanced up, offering him a small smile. "Yeah, just thinking," she replied, her gaze drifting momentarily before returning to Jadeja. "Actually, I was thinking... maybe we could all use a break. You know, to clear our heads and come back refreshed."

Her suggestion caught the attention of the others at the table, drawing curious glances and intrigued murmurs.

"A break sounds like just what the doctor ordered," Suryakumar Yadav chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Some time away from the game might do us all some good."

Nandhini nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Exactly! And I know just the place. Remember that beach house we bought a few years back, Shreyas?"

Shreyas, caught off guard by the sudden mention of their beach house, blinked in surprise before nodding slowly. "Yeah, I remember. It's been a while since we've been there."

Nandhini's smile widened as she leaned in, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Well, why don't we plan a road trip? We can all go together, spend some time by the beach, and just relax. It'll be good for all of us."

The idea seemed to be agreed upon by everyone at the table, and soon the conversation was buzzing with excitement as they discussed the logistics of the trip. Plans were made, dates were set, and before long, the team had something to look forward to beyond the confines of the cricket field.

As they continued to enjoy their dinner, the prospect of the upcoming road trip filled the air with a sense of anticipation and camaraderie. For a brief moment, the weight of their recent defeat was lifted, replaced by the promise of new adventures and cherished memories to be made.

The sun was high in the sky as Shubman navigated the winding coastal roads, the wind tousling his hair as he drove the open-top car. His vibrant floral shirt fluttered in the breeze, half of its buttons undone, and he wore a pair of comfortable shorts and stylish sunglasses. 

The carefree atmosphere of the beach town seemed to infuse his demeanor as he hummed along to the music playing softly through the car speakers.

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