Hope's Emotions

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Hope gets angry about Greta's return, Josie has a moment with her Aunts and Hope's Aunts. Hope does the unthinkable. Hope bonds with the boys while working out, and Landon makes a confession. Meanwhile someone makes an unexpected return.


With Hope

"Vincent, are you sure?" Hope asked him.

Vincent nods. "Hope, I know you want to kill her, but maybe she's here to help Esther."

"Look I need you to promise me something."

"Of course."

"Vincent, if it comes down to me having to take my child's place, go through with it, just in case linking my grandmother to Alyssa and Finch doesn't work, use me."

Vincent's eyes widened. "Hope, I don't know about that. I really don't want to go into hiding because your family would kill me, and let's not forget about Josie. She could siphon my power away."

Hope takes his hands into hers. "V, please. I would do anything for Josie and our child, even if that means sacrificing myself. My child deserves to live. Promise me this, Vincent please. I don't want to lose the only child I could have."

Vincent sighs. "Okay, I promise, but let's Hope it doesn't have to come to that, but I will keep this between us, Hope. I know that feeling about becoming a parent for the first time."

"I'm scared but excited, I'm having a baby with the girl I love so much. I want her to be my wife, V. I do, she's my everything, ever since we were little Josie and I always had a connection."

Vincent smiles. "Your parents would be proud, Hope. So will your uncles."

"I miss them so much, and I can see my mother jumping up and down in excitement." Hope said with a smile, because that's exactly what her mother would be doing.

Vincent laughs. "Yeah, I can see that too. Oh how I would've loved to tease your father about becoming a grandpa. If he was still here, I'd be calling him pops."

Hope giggles. "Oh I would've loved to see his face. Thank you, for being here for me."

Vincent pulls Hope into a hug. "I'll always be here for you, Hope."

"Where is Greta? Do you think Roman knows?" Hope asked as she pulls away from their hug.

"I have no idea, but we need to be careful just in case he goes back to his old ways." Vincent said.

Hope nods. "I'm going to go wolf out for a bit. I'll be back in time for dinner."

"Okay, I'll go help Alaric and the boys with a couple of things." Vincent kisses her forehead before leaving.

Hope sighs as she leaves to go wolf out.


With Josie

Josie is in the kitchen cooking with her Aunts and the Mikaelsons.

"Thanks for coming over Aunties, it feels good to have you both here."

Bonnie and Elena smile.

"Of course, honey." Elena said as she chops up the chicken.

"Are you okay with being pregnant? I know this is not how you and Hope wanted a child, but I just want to know what's going on in your head." Bonnie asked.

"It's hard Aunt Bonnie. I mean Esther did something so horrible to me, and not just me, hope as well. Hope and I wanted to have kids our way, but I guess things happen."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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