56. Juniper vs. the Weasleys

Start from the beginning

"I... I can't talk about it with you." She searched for any excuse. She knew he'd choose his family over her any day, that's how loyal he was, and she wasn't ready for him to make that decision yet.

"Why not? What could it possibly be about, that I'd draw the line?" He asked, stepping closer to close the space between them. He could see how heavy she was breathing, the nerves of what she was about to say written all over her body. He wished she would look up so he could see her face. "You know there isn't anything I want more than this. I'd put you before anythi-."

"It's your family." She interrupted, finally looking up to him, her eyes full of tears, her face red.

"What?" He couldn't comprehend, stammering through it. "W-what does that mean? How-How could my family... what do you mean?"

"Everyone at that house hates me Fred, none of them trust me, they think I'm a Deatheater, they think I'll be gone by Summer, they hate me, Fred." Juniper continued to cry through her words, finally understanding it herself.

"They don't hate you." He began, looking for excuses.

"But they don't like me." Juniper confirmed. "And they don't try to, either."

"Yes they... My dad adores you, Juniper."

"And he's the only one. Your mother loathes me, even before she met me, she hated me. Ron can't stand the thought of me, George hates that I spend time with you."

"That's all... it's different." Fred tried his best to explain, but Juniper was letting it out.

"Ginny only puts up with me because I have to share a room with her, Harry couldn't give a shit less about me." Juniper was shouting at this point, listing off everyone she could think of. "Hermione gave everyone a Christmas present, except for me! She gave the stupid house elf a present! She thinks of a house elf before me! I gave everyone something, even Moody and your mother, and they made me drink Veritaserum!"


"Your mother would rather break the law and use Veritaserum on me, than trust me. She tried to use Legilimency on me, Fred. And the things she says about me..." Juniper said, lowering her voice back down. "If that happened to you, you wouldn't stay in that house either."

"Legilimency? She wouldn't do that to you, Juniper." Fred defended Molly, looking confused.

"I was shocked too when Sirius told me, but I'm not that surprised anymore." Juniper said, her sadness had turned into anger. "So what now? Is this where you draw the line? I want to be with you, Fred, you're the only good thing in my life. But I cannot put up with your family and their hatred towards my existence."

"Juniper... why couldn't we talk about this at the house? Why'd you have to leave without saying anything?" Fred held his head in his hands. "You know I don't trust a thing Sirius says, how can I believe him over my mother?"

"What about me? Can you believe me?" Juniper asked, feeling a stab in her chest

"Everything you've said has come from him! The legilimency, the talking behind your back, questioning if you'll be around by Summer-"

"She told me that straight to my face. She said 'We'll see if you're still around in a few years, then you might get a Christmas Sweater'." Juniper said, her bottom lip trembling.

"I don't believe it." Fred shrugged sadly.

"You don't believe me?" Juniper had to take a step back, the air leaving her lungs. "Why else would everyone in the house, except for me, get one? You're the only person in that house that likes me Fred! I only got Christmas presents from you!"

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