12 - Could Be Me

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"Lady Sheera you went on that escapade to Salem, right?" Princess Lana was walking alongside me, begging to hear a story of excitement and adventure.
"I did princess." We were circling the castle halls, chatting and getting our exercise for the evening in as well. I don't get to spend much time with the Princess, so it was nice to have this little moment with her highness.
"I heard father saying there was a commotion, what happened?" She pressed.
I sighed. "It was not that big of a deal, nothing exciting Princess."
"Oh please oh please tell me!"
I giggled at her eagerness. Poor girl, she desires excitement.
"Alright then, where do I start? When we arrived at Salem we spent the night in a quaint little Inn, to get ready to head to that castle the next morning."
Her eyes were already gleaming with anticipation.
"So the next morning we headed up to the castle, the Holy White Knights greeted us at the gate."
"I've never seen one up close." She peeped. "Are they impressive?"
I nodded. "Yes, they are exceptionally trained and very professional." I pushed out my lips like a duck to emphasize this. "Captain Fletcher spoke to them for a moment, I didn't get to hear what they said since I sat on Adamus' horse."
She raised her eyebrows. "Adamus went with you?"
"Why yes Princess, he's in Fletchers company."
She looked longingly to the hallway before her. "You are so lucky, Lady Sheera. He is such a handsome and brave man."
I stifled a laugh. "Do you know him, princess?"
"I made him tell me his name once, and I've seen him training Lady Sheera. I swear God put him here on this earth to torture me." She whined.
I smiled fondly at her youthful passions. "He is a handsome man, you are right about that princess." I sighed. "But i'm afraid he might be a little too old for you, at least at your age now."
"But I'm already fifteen! How old is he now?"
"I can't be positive but I believe he's twenty, princess." I thought.
"That is not too old!"
"Princess," I placed a hand on her shoulder. "You only just had first blood a year ago, he's been a man for many years now."
She frowned, looking up at me. "So? That means he's mature enough to take extra good care of me."
I shook my head. "Trust me, you don't want him Princess. His life is destined to be dangerous and complicated."
"Don't tell me that Lady Sheera, that only makes my heart long for him more."
"Well, shall I finish my story Princess?"
She nodded sadly.
"We were granted access to the castle and were able to meet the Holy King himself,"
"King Archibald?" She asked.
I nodded.
"Father speaks of him all the time."
"He's a very important man." I smiled, reminiscing the moment we shared kind words and insight. "Captain Fletcher, Adamus and I were very blessed being able to meet him."
She sighed dramatically.
"After we met the King he gave our army room in the castle for a night, and Princess how you would've loved my bedroom! It was beautiful, opulent, fancy, filled with dark cloths and linen, a large luxurious bed, a giant gorgeous window which overlooked the river."
"Was it more beautiful than our rooms?"
I leaned down to whisper to her. "Don't tell your father, but yes, it was." I smiled playfully.
She smiled back.
"Anyhow, in the middle of the night the most terrifying sound rang through the air. It was so loud and huge that it shook the very bed I slept in. The warning bell above us was tolling, alarming us of an attack on the city." I recalled. The sound of that bell still sends shivers down my spine. "The bell was so loud it was hard to communicate with anybody. Regardless I got dressed, grabbed my stuff and ran out into the halls. Guards and servants were running everywhere around me. One guard found me and offered to escort me to the courtyard, so I agreed. But as we neared the outdoors where the others were my guard was snatched into the dark shadows. I gasped Princess, for I couldn't see where he had gone or who had grabbed him. The next thing I knew, an unknown man had me from behind and held a knife to my throat."
The princess gasped, holding her hands over her mouth. "Lady Sheera you said it was not a big deal what happened out there!"
"Well, I suppose it was then, you're right Princess."
"So what happened to you?"
"Well, the man was foolish enough to force me outside where he tried to hold me for ransom or... something like that. But the King and all his guards were out there. Plus, there were so many White Knights around us that eventually one slid their sword through the mans back, dropping him to the floor." My heart raced slightly as I recalled that recent event.
"Were Adamus and Captain Fletcher there?" She asked.
I nodded again. "Yes, everybody was there."
"I bet Adamus would've saved you had he the chance," She looked to the floor. "Since he seems like a hero."
I partially agreed with that notion, as I recall Adamus looking ready to pounce in that moment. "You may be right Princess, he looked ready to fight, I remember his hand resting on the hilt of his sword."
"Ahhh, he is perfect."
I laughed again, and finished my story. "So we quickly made an escape out east of the town and came back here, arriving very late last night, almost at sunrise."
"Wow, you are so lucky Lady Sheera! I want to be kidnapped and saved by a hero!"
I shook my head. "No, don't wish to be kidnapped Princess, it is very terrifying and feels hopeless."
We kept walking, passing by one of the castles rear windows. The two of us casually glanced out of it, like we normally would, but were met with an unexpected but not abnormal sight.
"Who is down there?" The princess asked. She neared the windowsill and peered out. I followed and leaned over her to see. It looked to be soldiers bathing in the river, and of course all completely naked.
"Oh Princes this is no sight for your young eyes-"
"It's him! Adamus is down there, he's bathing down there!" She nearly swooned as she spoke.
I smacked my mouth shut and looked down again, seeing his black spiky hair and broad shoulders. Thankfully he was facing away from us so we only saw his behind, but regardless my face burned a bright red. He was, as the princess believes, very very handsome.
"Look at how fit he is." She could barely speak, drooling over him like that.
"Princess! Stop this this is not appropriate for a young royal!" I grabbed her shoulders, trying to pull her away, but it was too late. The men down there, Adamus included, had just turned around, facing our direction. My eyes widened and I quickly looked away, feeling much too embarrassed to look at it any longer.
"One of them is waving at us! Oh, he turned around-"
"Come on Princess were leaving!" I dragged her off. Now she surely wont be able to let go of her crush on Adamus. She's seen how physically well he looks, and she's seen what only his wife should see. I need to speak to somebody about that window placement.

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