Megumi x Reader (I wish i told you..)

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Author notes- MAANNN THIS IS GONNA PAIN ME TO WRITE BC I LOVE MEGUMI SO MUCH.. (hyper fixation is rlly showing..) BUT IM FEELING SAD AND IVE NEVER RLLY WROTE ANY SAD STORY IVE ONLY EVER WROTE SAD POEMS SO I WANTED TO TRY !!! i have a feeling this wont be super angsty bc i cant.. but i guess we will see!!

angst 💔 word count (1542)


small summary- Megumi is in love with you.. he has never felt this way about anyone else before but he doesnt know how to love you so he just ends up pushing you away and now its too late.


The room was draped in a heavy silence suffocating you. You sat across from Megumi your heart pounding in your chest as you struggled to find the right words to break through the barrier he had recently built between you two "Hey Megumi" you spoke your voice barely above a whisper "How was your day?" He glanced up briefly his gaze cold and distant before returning to the book in front of him. "Fine" he muttered his tone cold devoid of any warmth. You bit your lip fighting back the tears that threatened to spill over why was he like this you two had been friends for so long and now.. he was like this? did you say something wrong maybe, your mind started to wandered you had really hoped that maybe just maybe today would be different that today he would let you in to his life once's again. But like always you were met with nothing but silence and indifference. Desperation clawed at your chest as you racked your brain for something anything that would make him at least speak to you. "Do you... do you want to go for a walk?" you suggested hesitantly the words feeling like a feeble attempt to bridge the growing chasm between you. But he shook his head his eyes never leaving the page in front of him. "Not interested" he replied his voice cutting through the air like a knife. You felt the sting of rejection wash over you a dull ache settling in the pit of your stomach. You didn't understand why he was pushing you away.. you swiftly stood up not muttering another word to him as you left the classroom he didn't even bat a eye when you left he just kept on reading his book.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months since you last spoke to him in that classroom and the distance between you and Megumi only seemed to widen with each passing moment you tried so hard.. to get him to talk to you. You had tried everything pouring your heart out in letters that remained unanswered calling and messaging him only to be left on seen by him you felt hopeless.. you started avoiding him not attending class as much as you just couldn't bare to see him right now.

The realization hit Megumi like a brick after noticing you were avoiding him. All he wanted to do we keep you safe.. keep you happy even if that meant pushing you away in his mind he could never love you the way you deserved to be loved you deserved someone better then him he thought... but after realising that he was doing the very thing he swore he would never do all he could do was stand there staring into the empty space where you had once stood. Guilt now settling in his chest. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he brought his hand up wiping his tears but it was no use more came rolling down his cheeks.. he never cried why did this hurt him so much he sank to his knees leaning against the classroom wall the weight of his guilt crushing him like a ton of bricks. He wanted to scream to beg for your forgiveness but he knew that it was already too late. you had tried so hard to get him to talk to you and he was a idiot for blocking you out like he did. You on the other hand were walking the halls of the school it was almost scarily quite as you walked to the classroom you and Megumi always use to hang out in expecting it to be empty you opened the door you froze as you saw him.. Megumi's heart clenched at the sight of you he frantically wiped at his face trying to hide his tears he wanted to reach out to you to say something to you and tell you how much of a fool he had been but nothing came out as he opened his mouth to speak You glanced down at him your eyes properly meeting his for the first time in what felt like an eternity. There was a flicker of something in your gaze pain perhaps as you studied his face his beautiful eyes now pink and puffy his cheeks tear stained you had never actually seen him cry before.. but all that was gone in an instant replaced by a mask of indifference that you had perfected in his absence. He was stunned as he felt a lump form in his throat as he watched you turn away "Wait," he called out, his voice barely above a whisper but echoing loudly in the silences of the classroom.

You paused hesitating for a moment before turning back to face him. There was a vulnerability in your gaze now a rawness that made his heart ache to look at "I'm sorry," he said, the words tumbling out in a rush as if he were afraid to say them aloud, "I'm so sorry for everything. I never meant to hurt you, I just... I didn't know how to love you." Tears welled up in your eyes as you listened to his confession "please i really do love you we could start over ill never hurt you again" his tone became a little more desperate as he stood up slowly walking towards you. You wanted to forgive him to believe that he could change but the wounds he had inflicted ran too deep for you to simply forget he had ignored you for so long even if he was scared to love you he basically ran away making you feel like nothing "I don't know what to do" you whispered your voice trembling with emotion "I'm so hurt Megumi. I don't know if I can ever trust you again." your words stung Megumi right in the chest he reached out to you his hand trembling as he brushed a stray tear from your cheek. "Please" he pleaded his voice filled with a desperation that pierced through the silence like a knife "Please give me a chance to make things right. I'll do anything, I swear." you took a step back from him shaking your head "im sorry.." you turned away from him backing out the classroom leaving Megumi there alone again.

The days sinces you last spoke passed in a blur for Megumi desperate to make amends for the pain he had caused. But you were nowhere to be found. And then one fateful day he received the news that would shatter his world into a million irreparable fragments. You were gone that same day they had spoke in the classroom you were hit by a drunk driver outside of the school. He had lost you the one person who had ever truly mattered to him he couldnt even tell her how he truly felt and now he was left to face the consequences of his actions alone. But it wasn't until he attended your funeral surrounded by the mournful wails of those who had loved you that the full weight of his guilt came crashing down upon him like a tidal wave. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he fell to his knees once's again this time not before you but before your grave, his voice trembling with the weight of his remorse. "I'm sorry," he whispered the words barely audible above the hushed rustle of the wind through the trees "I'm so sorry Y/N. I never meant for any of this to happen." He traced the letters of your name carved into the cold marble with trembling fingers each stroke a painful reminder of the love that he had never had the chance to return. He had been so consumed by his own fears and insecurities that he had never stopped to consider the possibility that you might have felt the same way. "I should have told you," he whispered his voice choked with emotion "I should have told you how much you meant to me how much I loved you. But I was so afraid so consumed by my own doubts and insecurities that I pushed you away and now you're gone and I can't... I can't..." For in the end, some wounds ran too deep to ever truly heal and some regrets were destined to haunt him until the end of his days.




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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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