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"It only takes two lonely people to fuck up love and make it evil. It only takes a drop of evil to fuck up two beautiful people." E.V.O.L by MARINA


It had been a week since my confession on Ritz's interview. The public went crazy after hearing about it. Everyone was conflicted on the drama between Roy and I. We went from Mount Rageous' most famous couple to the newest case of heartbreak. Velvet and Veneer made me stay at their place and was by my side to give me comfort. Anytime I'd go outside there would be swarms of paparazzi and fans trying to ask questions and get answers. Roy had been arrested and taken into custody in jail after the interview. 

Today was the start of the court trial, to determine if Roy is guilty of the accusations. I hadn't seen him in a long time, I never even got to properly break up with him yet which haunts me. Roy needs to be punished for what he did to me. 

As I am lost in thought I snap into reality when I hear Velvet and Veneer slam open the door to my makeshift bedroom which was an old guest bedroom in their mansion. The makeup artist that was currently doing my makeup flinched from the sudden noise. 

"Hey Y/n!!!" Veneer rushes to me and engulfs me in a tight hug. I was struggling to breathe as he kept squeezing me. "Veneer! You're gonna kill her she's gonna start turning blue!" Velvet scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "Oops sorry girl!" I left out a huge breath as oxygen finally enters my body again. 

The makeup artist continues working after being interrupted by Veneer. "It's okay!" Velvet shoves Veneer away from you and grasps my hands. "How are you feeling Y/n?

I honestly didn't know how to feel. So many emotions ran through my body. I felt angry, sad but also a bit of guilt since i'm ruining Roy's career that he worked so hard for. By there was one thing that was definite. "I feel scared..

My eyes start to water and I look up trying not to ruin my makeup. I managed to fight back the tears and looked down to see Velvet staring at me with a sad expression. "It's okay Y/n he'll get what he deserves" Velvet spoke in a gentle voice. I smiled at her as she tried to comfort me. "Yeah he's gonna rot in prison!" Veneer added on. We all collectively laughed together. 

Once my makeup was done I head over to my closet where I put on a simple but classy black suit which hugged my curves. I exited the closet and showed my outfit to the twins. "Wow you look hot!" Veneer jumped up and down in excitement. "Yeah.." I could barely hear Velvet mutter. I started to blush but before anyone could say anything I got a call that the limousine was here to pick us up. 

When we got to the court house there was people surrounding the limo, among them were fans, paparazzi, and regular citizens of Mount Rageous. Fans were holding signs showing their support for me. 

As we headed towards the courthouse I had stopped and took some pictures with fans and gave autographs. Inside I was met with a short woman with blue hair and green eyes. 

She then introduced herself "Hello Rosa, I'm Abby and i'll be your attorney for the case" She gave me a bright smile, i tried to reciprocate a smile back but all i could show was fear. "Don't worry you're in good hands" I nodded and followed her towards the counsel table. Velvet and Veneer had sat with the rest of the viewers in the back of the room. I sat down in my seat and observed the room. There were officers everywhere, watching everyone and their movements. 

Suddenly everyone in the room gasped. I turned around toward the entrance of the courtroom where Roy had entered with officers escorting him to his side seat. He looked rough. His hair was grown out and he had a slight stubble. He also looked really exhausted. When he looked at me he gave me the biggest glare. I started to sink in my seat. 

My attorney grabs my attention by putting her hand on my arm. "Just breathe Y/n, just tell the judge your statement and i'll take care of the rest" I nodded. 

Soon the trial finally started as the judge entered the room. 

"This court is in session"

"So Y/n in your interview you accused Roy of abusing and blackmailing you can we get more of an understanding?

I stand up from my seat and take a big breathe before I spoke. "Yes your honor, a couple weeks into our relationship Roy had grew jealous and took out her anger on me which resulted in him blackmailing me with photos."

The judge nodded and looked over towards Roy. " Do you have any words about this Roy?" Roy immediately jumped out his seat. "She's a lying little bitch! I never put my hands on her!" He went on and on about how innocent he was and that I was attention seeking whore. "She just wants to ruin my reputation all because hers got hurt. My mouth open, and I was left shocked. 

"Is this true Y/n?

"No! Of course not" I started to panic and I saw Roy giving me a smug grin. I started to studder and couldn't get any words out. Suddenly my attorney jumped in. "Your honor, Y/n had endured physical and emotional abuse because she thought she was trapped but I'm here today to say that Roy is posing as the victim."

I added on to her statement. "Roy didn't only break laws, but he also broke my spirit. He took away my self-worth, my identity. I want him to know that I'm not going to let him do that to anyone else. I want him to be held accountable for his actions.

Roy had grew angry. In a sudden motion he jumped out of his seat and ran towards me. The officers tried to catch him but didn't make it in time as he jumped on top of me. "Stop lying you slut! I will fuck you up don't try me!" I was shaking in fear he was holding my arms down and i was unable to move. The officers finally pulled him away from me and handcuffed him to his table so he wouldn't be able to get up again.

The case continued and went  back in forth for the longest time Roy wouldn't admit his faults and kept pushing the blame on me. There wasn't much we could do but I couldn't let Roy get off easy.

"With decision of the jury, Roy will be sentenced to 6 months in prison with parole after his release." The courtroom went silent. Everyone was shocked. Why was the sentence so low?

"Your honor-" My attorney started the speak.

"Quiet! The decision is final!"

Roy turned to me and stared at me with a sinister grin. The officers took off his handcuffs and started to escort him out the room. As he walked past him he whispered something to me. "Don't worry I'll be back." he let out a malicious laugh.

My world felt like it was crumbling beneath me. Why is he getting away with this so easily? This isn't fair. 

End of Chapter 10.

Word Count: 1332

Authors Note: I'm so sorry this came  out late I've been dealing with a lot with school, work, and my mental health. I also promise that the next chapter will be longer since this one is short. I honestly didn't want to leave you guys hanging and wanted to stay consistent with my publishes. Thank you so much for the support! Y'alls (YaLL- sorry im southern >0< ) comments make me laugh so hard.

The next chapter will be Wednesday! (after I get my new piercing :D )

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