I Need You To See It

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After Phoebe cleaned up and put a bucket beside Paige she walked into the kitchen to wash her hands.

Prue walked in shortly after.

"Now, on top of everything I have to clean up vomit." Phoebe grumbled as she scrubbed her hands clean.

"Phoebe." Prue sighed walking up behind her. "I need you to see it."

Phoebe dried her hands off with a nearby towel. She wasn't sure if it was meant for drying or if it was one of Piper's decorative towels, but Piper could chew her out later. It was just water and she didn't really care at the moment. "What?"

Prue stepped closer. "Take my hands and focus all thoughts on Paige." She held out her hands.

Phoebe looked confused. "Focus on Paige? What do you want me to see?" She frowned. "Wait.. Prue I can't." She shook her head.

"Phoebe you have too." Prue took a deep breath. "Take a deep breath, focus your thoughts on Paige, and accept the vision when it comes."

"I can't." Phoebe's voice shook. "I don't want to see my little sister like that." She shook her head again.

"Phoebe, you need to. You need to see it for yourself. I can't show Piper, but I can show you."

"Why do I always have to be the one to see the future?" Phoebe felt tears brimming in her eyes. "If the Elders let me see your future.. I could have stopped it." She cried.

Prue grabbed onto her sister and pulled her into a hug. "No, you couldn't have prevented my death because it was my destiny to die. It took me a long time to accept it, but I have and you and Piper need to accept it too. My death couldn't be changed. And I'm okay. I'm happy."

"You're happy being dead?" Phoebe pulled away and gave her a look.

Prue just smiled. "I'm not happy to be without you and Piper. I'll always be forlorn when I look down and see you guys living your lives without me. I'm also not happy you two met Paige without me, but I am happy to see mom and Grams everyday. I'm happy to be living my Afterlife with Andy."

Phoebe couldn't help the small smile. "Andy? You and Andy?"

Prue nodded. "He waited for me and every day with him is bliss. There's no pressure or worrying about the future because we've already lived our lives. Now, we live with peace and love. It's better than I thought it would be. When I first died it was so hard to accept it and let go of the pain of never seeing my sisters again. When you two found Paige I admit I was bitter. I felt left out, replaced, all those negative things. But one day when I was looking down I saw something that hurt more." Prue frowned. "Paige was crying, and no one was there to comfort her. It was like my big sister instincts kicked in and suddenly she wasn't a stranger replacing me. She was my baby sister and she needed someone. It killed me inside that I couldn't be there for her, but then a thought dawned on me.. Why weren't you or Piper there for her?" Prue frowned.

Phoebe swallowed the lump forming in her throat. "Why- Why weren't we?" She choked out.

"Because you didn't know. After she was done crying she wiped her eyes and went downstairs where you and Piper were like nothing was wrong. It reminded me of when I used to do the same thing."

"You did?"

"Yeah, sometimes, except I did it because I didn't want you to worry. I thought I could handle everything on my own. Andy, mom, Grams, and even my feelings about dad. I kept it all inside and rarely let you guys see me cry, because I thought you needed to see how strong I was so you wouldn't breakdown too."

"Oh, Prue."

"But I realized Paige's reason was different. It wasn't because she felt like she needed to be strong for you. It was because she felt if she showed you any weakness then you two would regret bringing her into your family." Prue frowned.

"What?! We would never!"

"She didn't know that. There was no history to cement her place in the family. She was a stranger and although she didn't intend to Piper treated her like one and then when she was against Cole, you treated her even worse than a stranger."

Phoebe hung her head in shame. "I never meant to. I was just so sure that Cole couldn't be- I couldn't let myself believe Paige without admitting that I was wrong. Since the day I fell in love with him and defended him and our love, even against you, I was wrong." She chuckled a little. "I've never been good at admitting I'm wrong."

"No Halliwell is." Prue chuckled too. "Phoebe, I know it was hard for you and Piper to let Paige in, but it was also hard for her to let the two of you in and now it seems giving up your powers has given her reason to shut you out again."

"Can't we convince her?"

Prue shook her head. "If it was that simple I wouldn't be here. Paige, doesn't just shut people out. She shuts her emotions off, or rather, she drowns them out with alcohol."

"But even then, if we could just-"

"Phoebe, you won't understand until you see how bad it will get." Prue held out her hands again. "Trust me. I can't explain it, but I can show you if you accept it."

Phoebe gulped. She sucked in a breath and reached for Prue's hands. She focused on Paige and accepted the vision when it came.

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