First Day (P2)

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Me: Snape?

God help me, how was Severus part of it when he was working for my father?

Ron: We all made the same face you did when we found out... anyway, a leopard can't change its spots... Dumbledore's a fool if he thinks that one doesn't work for You-Know-Who anymore...

Hermione: Surely Dumbledore must have plenty of evidence, even if he doesn't tell you about it?

The three of them continue to argue, but I linger on what Hermione said... what game is Severus playing?

The Divination class is over in a flash.

We get to Defence Against the Dark Arts, Hermione and I sit at the second table, curiously watching the new teacher, dressed all in pink.

Umbridge's first few words made my hair stand on end, her voice grated on my soul and her fake smile drove my nerves to distraction.

She started babbling about the teachers of the past years and how they had not done a good job, then went on to praise her teaching methods and all the lies she told herself in her little brain.

The lesson went on like this for the first half hour, which modestly seemed like an eternity.

At one point during the lesson, Hermione raised her hand, but the teacher did not even look at her. Gradually, the whole class stared at Hermione. After a while, with no one following the lesson, Umbridge finally deigns to look at Hermione.

Umbridge: Do you have a question about the chapter, dear?

Hermione: No, not about the chapter...

Umbridge: Yes, but we are reading now! She can ask the questions at the end of the lesson!

Hermione: Well, my questions are about the aims of your class... ....

I raise an eyebrow, surprised and interested at the tension building between them.

Umbridge: I think the aims of this course are quite clear if you read them correctly on the board, Miss.

Hermione: Granger, I don't think so! There's nothing about using spells to defend against the Dark Arts!

Silence fell in the classroom and everyone rushed to look at the board.

Umbridge: Use defensive spells? Why would we need Defence Charms in my class?

Me: Because this is Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Umbridge: Did I ask you a question?

Me: You asked a question and I answered it, very simply.

Umbridge: What is your name?

Me: Aurora Nott

Umbridge: Miss Nott, I suggest you stop being funny or there will be consequences.

I keep quiet, but my hand grips my wand tightly.

Mattheo: So we won't use magic?

Umbridge: Do the pupils raise their hands when they wish to speak, sir?

Mattheo: No, teacher, excuse me, but I thought since you deliberately ignored my partner a few minutes ago, it would be better if I took the floor now...

The whole class started to giggle, Harry and Hermione's hands went up again.

Umbridge: I see impertinence runs in the family, then.

Then the woman's eyes rested coldly on Potter and everyone fell silent.

Umbridge: Yes, Miss Granger?

-The Children of Darkness- The Riddle SiblingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang