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Uggg...finally we are done with this Shift. It was my second week at the Facility, and honestly, it was a lot less exciting than I thought it would be. I was mostly just a lab rat running around for the higher ups. I had taken to hiding in one of the abandoned lab rooms to have lunch every day, Its not that I wasn't liked in the office, but I'm a quiet kid. I like My peace. It was this particular day that I knew the peace was all but out the window.

A young man with short blonde hair that spiked out in all directions ran around the corner into the room that I was hiding in, looking around the corner with a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead as he peered around the corner and then let out a sigh or relief before noticing that I was there. he smiled and put his finger to her lips before my friend , and fellow scientist Eijiro Kirishima, a tall, confident boy with red spiky hair. came running into the room and the blonde jumped out at him, shouting and wrapping his arms around Kirishima's neck.


Kirishima jumped and spun around with a very feminine scream and the Blonde boy laughed a hearty laugh that made my skin prickle. Now that he was looking at me I realized that he was stunningly beautiful, but not in a boasting way, but a way that suggested that he Knew it, and didn't care. he was wearing a black tank top and Sweats with beautiful Ruby red eyes and for a second I thought that he was a scientist, maybe a field scientist? But then I saw the light green bracelet on his wrist.

he was a Proxie, he must be one of the care givers on this cycle. The proxies always had cycles where half of them were care givers and half of them were receivers. The receiver usually stayed inside and the care givers helped them as needed when they were receiving and it switched every 2 months.

"Katsuki! What have I told you about jumping out at me!"

Scolded Kirishima and the blonde Katsuki stifled his laughter and wiped a tear from his eye. I stood up and the Kirishima froze for a second before smiling and looking from me to Katsuki.

"I see, So you have met?"

He asked, looking from me to the young Proxie. he looked at me and smirked. I now saw the Barcode tattoo on his forearm which claimed him as property of the Japanese government.

"nope, He was just in my hiding place."

he said, crossing his arms over his chest, and I saw something in him for a moment. A look of fear and sort of annoyance crossed over his face and his entire body solidified. he looked back at Kirishima and then to me again. Then he walked over to Kirishima and Hissed to him just loud enough for me to hear.

"Is he like the others?"

Kirishima looked at me and shook his head. He smiled at me and tilted his head in his classic idiotic fashion.

"Nope, Todoroki is one of the good ones."

I smiled and as soon as she heard those words from Kirishima, he changed. he became less tense and walked over to me smirking and holding out his hand to me, the other on his hip.

"hi , I'm KIB 113 , but everyone who knows me calls me Katsuki Bakugou."

he said and I took his extended hand and shot him back my own smirk. He looked a little taken A back but chuckled and looked down at where our hands connected.

"I'm Shoto Todoroki, but most people call me Todo. I'm a new researcher here , I work with Kirishima"

I said and he smiled at me. Kirishima walked up to us and then his bracelet beeped. It was a hologram message from the lab explaining something about a mix up in numbers and he sighed.

"ah, crap, I have to go...you guys alright to hang out for a while?"

Said Kirishima and Katsuki looked at me with a sly grin while crossing his arms over his chest cheekily.

"sure, I think this Todo character is interesting and I want to know more about him."

Kirishima laughed and untied his lab coat from his waits, pulling the long white sleeves over his arms and pushing his clear glasses up on his nose.

"Don't go to tough on my new recruit Katsuki, we don't want to scare him off."

I looked at Katsuki and mimicked his stance exactly giving his sly smile right back to him and winking flirtatiously.

" I think we can handle each other."

I said and he looked at me surprised and looked away, a light blush spreading over his tan skin as he walked over to the middle of the room and sitting cross legged in the center looking at me , waiting for me to join him. Kirishima Laughed and waved goodbye running off to the lab while I walked over to the center of the room and sat across from him.

" so...Hi, what's up?"

he said and We continued on to have the best conversation I think I have ever had in my life. It was like he wanted to say the words before they came out of my own mouth. We talked about everything, books, food, culture (well, what he had read in books, Proxies aren't allowed outside of the faculties.) turns out he Is a bit younger than I assumed, only being sixteen, and he was also really well read for a proxie. We talked about all of the books we had read and even our favorite music.

"no way! I thought no one listened to Loveless anymore!"

he laughed and I perked up, the feeling coming over me again, his laugh felt like I was listening to the best music.

"shut up! You still listen to white stripes!"

"so do you Idiot! Don't try to tell me you don't listen to seven nation-"

he was cut of by his bracelet buzzing and pulsing a dark red glow, and he physically paled, freezing instantly. he jumped up and swore loudly. I jumped up with him.

"what? What's wrong?"

I asked and he started running while yelling behind him, through the door in an instant before I could even register what was happening.

"Mina!"(MA 94)


1048 words

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