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The black-haired woman rushed down the crowded sidewalks, slowing her pace when she got a message on her phone.

"How far away are you?" the message read. It was from Choso.

Catching her breath, she brought her fingers to the keypad and wrote back her reply.

"About three minutes away. I'm rushing so I'll be there soon." she hits send, her phone still in her hand as she starts picking up the pace again while waiting for his reply.


A few days ago, Alora and Choso had attended a party together, which resulted in getting each other's contact information to inform them of the time and place.

The woman texted him at times randomly about subjects like how his day was, if he had any hobbies, favorite colors, etc, but his replies were always aloof and nonchalant just as he was in person, and continuing the conversation was hard.

It was the weekend, Choso's precious day off he would spend shopping for a new wardrobe with Alora. Looking back on Halloween, she had fun, but his plain and basic outfit threw her off completely. With a face like that, it should be a crime to dress so badly as he did.


"If you're free this weekend, can I take you to the mall? You're taste in clothing honestly sucks." her words were harsh, but she not only desperately needed an excuse to see him again outside of his work, and wanted him to dress better.

His eyes widened as he honestly wasn't expecting a comment like that from her at all. Almost like being told such a thing was world wrecking, he stood at her blatantly with no expression change which only made her feel more guilty.

Looking away from his pressuring gaze, she writes more to the sentence.

"That was rude of me, sorry. Do you want to go to the mall with me this weekend?" she shows him what she has to say and finally his expression softens as he takes his time reading it.

He hovers his hand over her phone which earns him a confused look but Alora quickly catches on that he's asking if he could write something as well, she hands him the phone.

"How do you say 'yes' in sign language?"

It was her turn to be surprised. Choso seemed like he didn't do anything unnecessary that wasn't the bare minimum. In this case, wouldn't learning sign language be unnecessary if they could just communicate by passing notes and sending messages?

She had then begun to convince herself she was thinking too much into it, something she'd done a lot since being involved with him. But even if it wasn't how she thought it was, she was happy he wanted to learn-- to learn from her.

She gathers her thoughts while trying to calm herself down, finally facing him again with a smile, bringing her hands up to demonstrate.

She balls her hands into a fist and begins to slowly nod up and down just like a person nodding yes would, but something that easy where many other people got it the first time didn't seem to be the case for Choso.

Getting tired of laughing at his failed attempts
, she reaches for his hand and does it for him, making sure to softly do so and not scratch him with her fingernails. With that, he was finally able to sign it properly.

He did this multiple times after to make sure he was doing it correctly, mumbling to himself as he repeated the steps while performing a task so simple.

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