1.22 Rise.

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         The group arrived back at the Institute, Magnolia and Magnus being the last ones in. Magnolia looked, as the two walked in with Hodge, his arm in a sling, they pushed him away. Magnolia went to follow as her father grabbed her arm, shaking his head no. She nodded as he led her down one of the halls so they could talk.

"Okay we need to have this conversation, even if you don't want to hear it but whatever I felt for Camille, it's ancient history. Almost literally and she had no right to bring up Emily." Magnus said

"Yeah but what she said about me being immortal, she's right. We watch the people we care about age and die." Magnolia said

"Magnolia, I am the High Warlock of Brooklynn but I can't even see the future." Magnus said

Luke walked around the corner as Magnolia stared at feet.

"They're ready. They moved her to the Ops Center." Luke said

Magnolia looked up to stare into her dad's eyes.

"I have a Shadowhunter to wake." Magnolia said
She stared at him a little longer before turning to follow Luke to the Ops Center. The six walk forward before Jocelyn, Alec stands behind Magnolia for support. Clary turned to Magnolia, handing her the book.

"Do you really think this is gonna work?" Clary asked

"We can only hope." Magnolia said

Magnolia opened the book flipping to the proper pages before snapping her fingers, green fog floating from her hand.

"Jocelyn!" Magnolia said

She began chanting in Chthonian, waving her hand over Fairchild's body; she tapped the forcefield three times.
"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." she yelled in Chthonian

The force field lightened as Jocelyn's body began to fall, Magnolia took a step back as Luke caught her, lifting her. The group watched as Jocelyn opened her eyes, staring at Luke.

"I got you." He mumbled

"Luke." she said hugging him

Clary looked at Alec and Magnus staring at her mother. Jocelyn looked around, staring at everything when she turned noticing Clary finally.

"Mom!" Clary cried

The two embraced, Clary crying into her mother's shoulder overjoyed. Magnus looked at his daughter watching the two as he noticed the tall Shadowhunter, staring at her without her knowledge. The look of love held in his eyes was enough for Magnus to know that he needed his daughter to fight for this love, and never let it go. He turned picking his phone up, pressing a contact. "Hey, yeah, I'm okay. Just wanted to hear your voice and make sure you're okay." Magnus said

And that's a wrap on Season 1! 

Thank you to anyone and everyone who read my story. I love you all!

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The Stars, The Moon & Everything In Between// Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now