1.21 you promised.

Start from the beginning

"Simon, just let me think for a second." Clary said
"Clary, that's a cookbook." Simon said

"She's on to something." Magnolia said walking over to her

"I've seen this before. Chicken cacciatore, remember? My mom used to make it all the time." Clary said
"How can I forget? Even better the next day, the gift that keeps on giving. It's..."Simon said

The three looked at the sliced bookmark, Magnolia slightly shocked.
"Maybe more than we realized." Clary said

"Is that what I think it is?" Simon asked

"Oh my god, it's the bookmark." Magnolia said
Clary placed it down, as the two ends matched up perfectly, magically stitching itself together. The book began to glow, Clary and Simon looking around as Magnolia stared at the book. The pages began to blur, shifting into what they've been searching for, the Book of the White.

"This is it." Clary said

"Clary, you are a genius." Magnolia cheered kissing the girls head

"You did it." Simon said

The three cheered as Izzy walked into the room.

"We gotta go, he's here." Izzy said
Clary grabbed the book as the three raced out of the room, The four made their way toward the door when a portal opened in the doorway, Valentine walking out. Magnolia's eyes grew wide

"Clarissa, so good to see you again." Valentine said

Magnolia stood in front of the redhead, protecting her.
"Where is your brother?" He asked
"You think I'd tell you?" Clary hissed

"You won't have to." He said walking closer

"Stay away from her!" Simon yelled running at him

Valentine grabbed a hold of him, throwing to the ground about to strike as Izzy used her whip against his hand. Valentine used the whip, pulling her down, knocking her to the floor. Magnolia stepped up, her hands glowing as she was about to use her magic. Two of Valentine's men came up behind her grabbing her hands, dropping her to her knees, placing the blades against her neck.

"Lia!" Clary yelled

Valentine went to attack Simon when Jace ran in, blade out.
"Stop! This time you're not getting away." Jace said
The two men held down Magnolia as the other two walked in grabbing Izzy and Simon, blades to their necks as well.

"Finally ready to kill your own father?" Valentine asked
"You abandoned me." Jace said
"I was protecting you, you weren't ready then but you've grown. You've become the warrior I've trained you to be." Valentine said
"Don't listen to him, Jace." Magnolia said

The man pulled back on the hairs on the base of her neck, silencing her.

"You trained me well." Jace said

"And yet I have so much to teach you. I brought you here for a reason. Look, fight me and watch your friends die." Valentine said
More of Valentine's men walked in one each holding Alec and Magnus.

"No." Magnolia huffed

"I said quietly." The man huffed

He pressed the blade onto her throat causing her to lightly bleed as he ripped back her head.

"That one's a tough one, it's so lovely to see you again, Magnolia Bane. My, you get prettier every time, maybe I'll use you instead." Valentine said
"Is there another option?" She asked

Valentine looked back to Jace.

"See, you are strong, but they make you weak." Valentine said
Jace looked around at all his friends, his eyes panning to Magnolia, her eyes telling him don't.

"Let us go." Clary said

Valentine turned to look at his daughter.

"You can have the book, we won't be able to stop you without it." Clary said
"Ah, Clarissa, so like your mother. Willing to do anything for those you love. I'm touched but... the book was never part of my plan. I want you to wake up your mother. I know that you'll both join me eventually. It's fated. You ready?" Valentine asked

Jace looked around, watching Alec and Magnus then to Izzy and Magnolia before looking to Clary and Simon before looking to Valentine placing his blade down walking toward Valentine.
"If I go with you... promise you won't hurt them." Jace said
"You have my word." Valentine said

"This is insane." Clary said
"I'm sorry, Clary." Jace said
"Jace, what are you doing? You can't be serious! Valentine is wrong. You're not like him. I'm not. You're not!" Clary said

"You don't know that, Clary. You don't know that." Jace said

"But I do." Magnolia huffed

He turned looking to the warlock, blood trickling down her neck, her eyes glazed over.
"Remember back at the Police station when you asked how I could feel the shift in Simon, there hasn't been a shift in you Jace, just added weight." Magnolia explained

"Let them go." Valentine said

The men let them all go, shoving Magnolia to the ground. She rose from the ground, standing in front Jace.

"Get back. Get back! Alec, I mean. Magnolia." Jace said

"Jace." Clary croaked
She stood before him, her eyes glazed over.
"You promised." Magnolia choked

Jace stared into her eyes as Valentine grabbed his arm pulling him toward the portal.
"You promised!" She yelled

She walked toward him as Alec wrapped his arm around her waist, stopping her from following. Clary shoved the book into Simon's hands racing toward the portal. Magnus wrapped his arms around her waist, stopping her from going through the portal as well. Clary pushed the warlock's arms away.

"What are you doing?" Clary asked

"Saving your life Biscuit. If you enter a portal not knowing where you're going, you'll be stuck in limbo forever." Magnus explained

The group watched as the portal closed, Clary leaned against Magnus, her heart crumbling as Alec pulled Magnolia holding her. Everyone stared at the doorway, realizing Jace wasn't coming back. 

The Stars, The Moon & Everything In Between// Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now