1.20 Hatred for Bitty

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"I would rather drink glass." Magnolia spits

"Or someone close to you." Camille said, walking around Clary and Simon leading the way.

          The six walked into the Banes apartment, Magnolia standing beside her father annoyed.

"So Magnus, how long has it been?" Camille asked

"Not long enough." Magnolia spit

She walked down the hall not wanting to be anywhere near the vampire any longer.

"One hundred? One hundred fifty years?" Camille asked

"One hundred and thirty-eight. Oddly I haven't missed you." Magnus said

"Of course, you have, my love and your daughter's got a nasty temper." Camille said

"I think it's only with you." Magnus smiled

"All right, you two can catch up later, right now we need to find the Book of the White." Clary said "You will but not without payment." Camille said

           Magnolia walked back out, now dressed in black pleather pants and black top, thigh highs and hair still down

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           Magnolia walked back out, now dressed in black pleather pants and black top, thigh highs and hair still down. Camille looked at the father and daughter, with a smirk.

"You two of all people should understand that." Camille said
"Of course and what is it you require?" Magnus asked

Magnolia just scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"A clean slate." Camille said
"She wants a Writ of Turning-me-into-a-vampire." Simon said

"And we need you to draft it." Clary said

"Hmm, I thought I was done with you." Magnus huffed

"If little Maggie over there would have done it, you would have been, but we'll never be done with each other." Camille said
"What the fuck did you call me?" Magnolia said walking toward the vampire

Magnus placed his arms out, stopping his raging child. The three watched the scene before them, shock written on their faces. They have never seen Magnolia so angry before, this was a new side of her, never thought was there.

"I'm going to call for back-up." Izzy said

"Tell Alec to get here soon." Clary whispered

Izzy nodded, walking out of the apartment, as Clary turned to Simon.

"Simon, can I talk to you for a minute?" Clary asked

Clary and Simon walked off as Magnolia kept her eyes on Camille as the older warlock and vampire kept their eyes on each other. Magnus grabbed his daughter's hand as they walked over to the table, Magnus snapped his fingers and a piece of paper appeared. The father and daughter stood by one another, Magnolia stood there arms crossed over her chest, annoyed look on her face. Magnus' hand floating over the page, blue fog floating out of his palm, words slowly creeping onto the page. Camille walked over to the male, a smirk on her face.
"You're still upset by my dalliance with that short lived Russian?" Camille asked

"Upset? No. I gave up feeling anything for you over a century ago." Magnus said
"Love is fleeting, even more so when you're immortal." Camille said
Magnolia stared at her feet, thinking about her words.
"And yet true love cannot die." Magnus said

"But people can. I think Magnolia knows it first hand." Camille said

"People are more than just toys for your amusement and leave her out of this." Magnus said
"Hundreds of years old and still so naïve. You wouldn't know what to do with love if you found it." Camille said
"And how would you know?" Magnolia asked

Camille stared at the two, a shocked look on her face. She wrapped around the other side, now standing between the two. Magnolia moved walking toward the bar cart, still annoyed.

"Or do you think you have?" Camille asked

Camille sniffed around.
"Demon blood?" Camille asked

She swiftly turned Magnus around placing her lips on his as Magnolia turned around dropping her glass. Her blood began to boil as her eyes shifted to their cat-like state, her hand glowed green as Camille rose into the air.
"Magnolia." Magnus said

She kept her eyes on her father, when a hand grabbed hers. She turned looking into hazel colored eyes, her anger melting away.

"Put her down." Alec whispered

The green died out and Camille fell to the floor as Alec and Magnolia stared at one another.

"Well this is awkward." Magnus said

Magnolia turned back to her dad, Camille getting up staring at him as well.

"Where is the book?" Alec asked
"It's complicated." Magnus said

"Bitty here wants a get-out-of-jail free card for the book." Magnolia said staring at the vampire

"This free card require a lip-lock?" Izzy asked

Magnus placed his hand out, looking at her with wide eyes.

"We don't negotiate with prisoners." Alec said walking closer

"Prisoner? I beg to disagree. You see, I'm your only chance at saving the world. You need me. You certainly have a type, don't you, Maggie? He's cute, too bad it won't last. Just like Emily." Camille said
"Say that again, and you won't last." Izzy said

Magnolia's eyes faltered slightly hearing Camille's words, thinking back to Emily.

"I'd say he's about 20 years from male pattern baldness." Camille said
Magnolia took a step forward, Alec grabbing lightly, keeping her.
"I don't have time for this, where's Clary?" Alec asked
Magnus pointed to the bedroom as Camille continued to stare at him, Magnolia kept her eyes on the vampire not risking anything. Alec walked around, pulling Magnolia with him. She huffed as the tall Shadowhunter pulled her down the hall, as Izzy stayed to watch. Alec and Magnolia walked into the room, Clary and Simon sitting on the bed.

"Alec, did you find Hodge?" Clary asked
"Yeah, but Valentine has the Cup." Alec said
"What?" Clary and Magnolia asked

Clary turns to Simon as Magnolia looks up at Alec.

"We're too late. Where's Jace? Is he okay?" Clary asked

"He went after Valentine by himself. It's like he's totally lost it. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen." Alec explained

"We need to find Jace. He's in a dark place, we don't know what he's gonna do." Clary said walking out

Alec grabbed her arm, pulling her back.
"Luke is out looking for him. Jace wants us to stay on the mission. That means we have to find the book." Alec said
"He's right. We have to wake up your mom." Simon said

"It's our only way to stop Valentine." Clary said

Camille came walking in, going between Clary and Alec. Magnolia stepped closer as Alec wrapped his arm around her pulling her back.

"Ready to sign?" Camille asked

"Take us to the apartment, give us the book, then you can have your pardon." Simon said
Camille turned looking at all of them before smirking.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Camille smiled

"Good." Simon said walking out

Clary walked out with him as Alec pulled Magnolia with him out of the room

The Stars, The Moon & Everything In Between// Alec LightwoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora