Magnolia walked out into the living room when she received a fire message from Lydia Branwell for her to help at the Institute with an autopsy. Magnolia rolled her eyes, before grabbing her purse before opening a portal to the Institute. She walked into the entryway standing waiting for someone to acknowledge her. Izzy walked up, smiling at her.

"Let's get started, babe." She said

Izzy grabbed her hand, pulling her toward the autopsy room. The two got some safety gear as Magnolia walked over to the Forsaken, placing her hands over the torso, green wisps descending from her palms, not sensing anything.

"You almost done?" She asked

"Patience is a virtue, honey." Magnolia said
"Come on, I want to get my hands on that thing." Izzy said

"Speaking of which, how's Alec?" Magnolia huffed

Izzy ignored her, starting to look over the body.

"Putrefaction. It's decomposing." Izzy said disgusted

"You know sometimes it's hard to see if he's even interested, I mean, I can understand why he wouldn't." She said

"I'm not sure if you noticed but my brother is not exactly warm and fuzzy, but neither are you sometimes." Izzy said
"Yeah I suppose, with Clary's arrival" Magnolia said

"And Valentine's return." Izzy said

"Oh yeah and partially running the institute." Magnolia said

"Yeah, the envoy of the clave." Izzy said
"Don't even get me started, I've heard she's very impressive and what else? Oh babysitting Jace." Magnolia said

"And dealing with our parents who are trying to find him a wife." Izzy said

Magnolia looked to Izzy, her eyes dropping with sadness. Izzy turned to look at her, her face dropping as well.
"Sorry." Izzy said

"It's okay. I get it, Alec is just following his duty." Magnolia said looking at her nails

"Not everyone gets the luxury of following their heart." Izzy said
She was about to start the autopsy as Magnolia stood beside her.
"I'm going to deliver the preliminary findings, you got this." Magnolia said

Magnolia walked out of the autopsy room looking for Alec, she walked into the training room. She spotted him, shirtless, covered in a thin layer of sweat, punching the bag. She walked up getting in his line of view, when he finally spotted her, he stopped hitting the bag, looking at her.

"Lia." He said
She looked over his chest down to his abs before snapping out of it and back to his face.

"I'm here, um." she huffed

He walked past her, grabbing a zip up.

"You don't have to." She flirted

He slipped on the jacket, keeping eye contact with her. She huffed, slapping the papers against her hand.

"Or get dressed." Magnolia mumbled

Alec walked closer, standing right before her, towering over her, his jacket left open.
"I have the preliminary autopsy findings." She said
"Why are you giving this to me? This should go to the head of the Institute." Alec said tossing the folder onto the bench

"And it is." Magnolia said

"I'm not, and I never will be. Lia, it's like- it's like my whole life..has been a lie. Now, everything I've ever known is..." Alec said
"Is not what you thought." She breathed

"I've done everything for my parents...for the Clave and...I've done everything that they've asked." He said annoyed

"Maybe you should start living for yourself. Do what your heart wants." Magnolia said

The two stared into each other's eyes.

"I can't believe I'm saying this. I think you're right." Alec said

         Magnolia is now standing on a platform overlooking the Ops center, placing up new wards, walls of green with runes showing.

"Are the wards solid now? Nothing will get through?" Robert asked

"Even my magic has limits. The wards won't hold off that Forsaken attack but my protections will at least slow them down." Magnolia explained

"Extra time is priceless." Robert said
"Say that after you get my bill." Magnolia mumbled
"Lydia will take care of that." Robert said walking off

Magnolia looked at Alec, staring at the wall, angry.

"I wish I could be more help, maybe help with that Forsaken wound?" Magnolia asked

"It's okay. I'm fine." Alec snapped

She took her eyes off him, looking to the floor.

"I'm sorry, just if anything happened to you-" She said
"Magnolia, I said I'm good. All right, i gotta-" Alec said
"Go? Of course, you're a busy man, my mistake. I should go find this Lydia, I've heard so much about. As my dad says payment upfront is just smart business. Where could I find her?" Magnolia asked

"I haven't seen her but if I do, I'll send her your way." Alec said angered

Magnolia watched as he walked off, when Meliorn walked in.

"Meliorn?" Izzy said getting up

She walked toward him as Magnolia walked in the opposite direction, continuing with the wards.

The Stars, The Moon & Everything In Between// Alec LightwoodDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora