"And what's the second rule?" Clary asked
The two stared at one another, the cracking of a whip pulled the two away as the cup was ripped from their hands. They turned looking to the stairs seeing Izzy now holding the cup with her whip in her other hand with Magnolia standing beside her with a smirk.

"There's nothing a Shadowhunter can't do in heels." Izzy said
Jace walked off as the two walked toward Clary.

"Were we interrupting something? Maybe another kiss?" Magnolia asked

"You told her?" Clary asked Izzy

"Birdy, I would have found out either way. Besides, what's the big deal, you like him right?" Magnolia said
Izzy handed Clary back the Cup as Jace was bothering Alec.

"Alec, what are you doing? You can stare at this monitor all you want, they need angel blood to get past the wards. You know that." Jace said
Clary placed the cup back into the tarot card for safe keeping, smiling to herself.
"No Downworlder can come into the Institute." Jace said
"Excuse me?" Magnolia said
"Not without an invite by a Shadowhunter." Izzy said

"Good to know." Magnolia said leaning against the table

"Last I checked, Valentine is a Shadowhunter. The Cup is not safe here. We have to give it to the Clave." Alec said
"Give it back to the Clave? No. Not after everything we went through to get it." Clary said

"My brother is right. The cup is extremely important." Izzy said

The group turned looking at the raven-haired woman, shocked. 

"Did I just hear you correctly?" Magnolia asked
"Are you agreeing with me?" Alec asked

"I'm full of surprises." Izzy said
"Isn't that how Valentine got it the last time?" Magnolia asked
The four all looked at her, giving the look.

"My bad, I'm just- I'll just be over here." Magnolia said

She sat down in one of the chairs, grabbing out a book ignoring them.

"This Cup is the one chance I have at getting my mom back." Clary said
"I agree with Clary." Jace said
"You always agree with Clary." Magnolia mumbled eyes still on the book

"We can't give the cup to the Clave, not now. We need it. It's our only bargaining chip." Jace said

"Look, I know how powerful the cup is. It has the power to create new ShadowHunters, control demons and even kill a mundane if they drink from it, but I promise you. I will not let that monster get his hands on it." Clary explained

"There you go. You have her word." Jace said
Alec shook his head, annoyed by the conversation.

"Follow me." Alec said

Clary walked after him up into a different area. Magnolia looked up as Izzy and Jace watched over the monitors, looking for anything out of the ordinary. She stared around watching as several ShadowHunters walked around and did their everyday jobs. She felt slightly uncomfortable, out of place, ready to go back to her comfortable, familiar apartment with a familiar father. Jace made his way over to the table, sitting a chair away from the warlock looking over something on his tablet. Clary on the phone, probably calling Simon once again. Jace and Magnolia looked over hearing Clary talking on the phone, leaving a voicemail. Jace huffed looking back at the screen before him.

"Jealousy is not a good look on you." Magnolia said

"What are you talking about?" Jace huffed

"Clary, I know you like her, and now that she kissed you, doesn't make it any easier." Magnolia said

The Stars, The Moon & Everything In Between// Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now