-CHAPTER 7: Battlefield-

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TAGS: slight angst/blood in the flashback

'So that's why that four-eyed man asked me to train for a week?!'

You thought as you ran as hard as you could to avoid the giant sand spears

each spear hits the ground with a powerful blow that is enough to create a deep hole in the ground, one hit could kill you, it was Orter who was sending it to attack you

"The Protective Wall." You pointed your wand at the sand spears, Giant plant stems sprouted from the ground like a wall, protecting you from those spears

You stood looking at the huge wall you had created with your magic while panting from the continuous running and trying to think of a plan, but only a few seconds passed before it was shattered into pieces by those spears

One of the spears passed very quickly near you, causing a wound on your shoulder

'That Bastard will kill me if I don't do anything oh my god!'

Orter looked at you as you dodged his spears, it's been several hours and you've only been dodging his attacks and playing defense, you haven't made a single attack yet

"How long are you going to keep running away like a coward? Aren't you going to attack?"
Orter asked coldly

You stood up, breathing quickly, searching with your eyes for a gap in his defense to attack, but you were interrupted by a huge sand spear that came out from under the ground towards you, but you dodged it smoothly

"Oh of course I'll just dodge your attacks, you don't even give me a chance to attack!" You said almost exploding in anger

"Even a child knows that the enemy will not give you a chance to find a gap in his defense, rather, they will attack directly so that you don't discover the location of the gap, you must not stand exposed like this" Orter said as he pointed several more spears at you

You repeated the protective wall spell to protect yourself from those spears, but it shattered into pieces like the previous ones

"you gotta be kidding me...."

'Failure here is unacceptable
If I fail, I will not fail to prove yourself
This will be the end of everything for me'

"This wall used to hold for more than 5 minutes when we started, but now it only holds for a few seconds." Orter tilted his head to the side slightly
"What's happening to you? Where is your resolve?"

"My resolve..?"

"You have a goal that has brought you to this point, but I don't see enough determination to achieve it. What are you afraid of?"

You raised one eyebrow
"Am I afraid? I'm not! Like I told you, you don't give me a chance to attack!"

"Why do you hide the answer when it is clear on your face? Are you afraid of failure?" Orter asked coldly

"Listen here.... " You said firmly
"You don't want to know if I'm afraid or not. You want to get to something else by asking me several questions at the same time. Ask what you want to know directly. I don't like this kind of conversation." You looked annoyed

"Hmph..." Orter's face darkened, then he spoke in a serious voice
"Do you remember what I told you when we first met?"

"Anything I do has consequences, I still remember well"

"The fear that possesses you now has consequences on the battlefield as well, your fear of advancing and your blind defense will be the cause of your death because your battle will turn into a battle of endurance, whoever loses all his magical power will lose, and according to what I see__"

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