-CHAPTER 4: Mysterious-

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A/N: Hello there!
Sorry for the late updating an emergency situation happened to me and I couldn't do anything about it

btw I'm using in this FF ALOT information from the Fanbook
Have a nice day <3


You were standing near Orter who was holding your spell book and flipping through the pages quickly, he decided to help you learn that spell that was difficult for you so here you two are in the middle of the forest.

“So the spell is to grow plants on all kinds of rocks and make them grow as if they grew from soil?”

"Yes, this is it."

“I understand now”
Orter closed the book and passed it to you

"this fast?"
You asked while holding up the huge book

"Watch me"

Orter walked towards a tree that was near the huge rock, then pointed his magic wand towards it without saying anything
A sand spear came out of the ground and cut down the tree in one moment, you were greatly surprised as you saw the tree fall to the ground with a loud crash.

“My magic and yours are somewhat similar. I control sand and make it from nothing and you control plants, but what makes you not be able to control your magic well is that you don't focus all your power on the spell.”

"What do you mean by that?"
You tilt your head to the side

“It is clear, whatever you are thinking about while casting the spell, stop thinking about it and focus your strength on your magic wand and your target.”


You walked forward with a serious look on your face as you pointed your magic wand towards the rock, while Orter was sitting on another rock with his right leg over his left and the giant book in his possession

You took a deep breath and then began to pronounce the words of the spell, but nothing happened and the spell didn't work, you tried it three times in a row, but the result is the same

No benefit

Before you had a chance to get frustrated, Orter spoke in a terrifying tone
“I'll stuff your talkative mouth with sand if half an hour passes before you succeed. Do it again!”

“No need to threaten me of course I'll do it!”

You tried several times, half the time passed to no avail but you shouldn't give up, giving up is not an option

You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and pointed with your wand at the rock, then you began to focus all your magic power on it.

While you were trying to cast the spell, Orter opened the last pages of your spell book to see the rest of the spells in it and which of these advanced spells you could pray to in the future.

While the other was flipping through the pages of the book, he found a photo of you and your family in one of the folds of the book

'So this is her family? It doesn't look like an old photo.'
Orter thought for a moment as he looked at the faces of your family members before his eyes widened in shock when he saw the young man standing near you in the photo.

'What the ...?'

Orter's train of thought was interrupted when he noticed the rock on which you cast your spell
A small plant slowly grew from the rock. Little by little, the plant grew into a giant tree, which made you surprised.

"It works!"
You jumped high, screaming with great joy. You finally succeeded in the spell that took you a long time to learn.

While Orter on the other side didn't say anything, he just sighed as he put the book he had on the ground and then started to walk away while carrying his broom.

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