The two turned back, seeing demons at the end of the hall.

"Crap." Clary whispered

"My dad's gonna kill me." Magnolia huffed

Magnolia clapped her hands together, her hands radiating green as she stood before Clary. Clary pulled out the Cup card, placing her hand within the card, pulling out the cup. The demons stopped, screeching at the girls. Clary raised the cup toward them.

"Get back." She said
They screeched, coming closer.

"I said get back!" she yelled

The three slowly began to back away, She stared at the cup with happiness as Magnolia turned to face the girl.

"You couldn't have done that earlier." She huffed

Clary smiled at her as they began walking down the hall, the demons backing away further. "Good job." Magnolia said 

          The two raced back from where they left Jace and Izzy.

"Jace?" Clary called out

"Izzy?" Magnolia called out

"Clary." Jace called out

He raced off, standing in front of her. She placed her hand up, touching his forehead.

"You're hurt." Clary said
"I'll heal." he said
"Where's Izzy?" Magnolia asked

"Are you okay?" Jace asked
"We're fine, barely." Clary said
"What happened?" Jace asked

"The Shax Demons cornered us, but I got the Cup. I don't know if my instincts just kicked in and I could do it. You were right, maybe I'll be a Shadowhunter after all." Clary said

"Clary, you're amazing. I knew you could do it, now give me the cup and let's go." Jace said

Magnolia's eyes squinted as she felt something off. 

"Clary, stop talking and step away from him." Magnolia said
"What are you talking about?" Clary said

Magnolia slammed her hands into Jace's chest, throwing him away from them. He landed on the floor several feet away onto his back.

"That's not Jace." she said
"What do you mean?" Clary asked

"Jace's one priority has always been you, your safety and now he just wants the Cup. Think about it, he let you hold the card. Why would he ask for the cup now?" Magnolia whispered

Jace got up walking closer to Clary again telling her to trust him and he just wanted to keep her safe.

"Now give me the cup." He said
"Of course." Clary said

"Clary." Magnolia said

Clary reached into her bag pulling her blade out stabbing into Jace's middle. He stood there stunned, as Clary kept her hand on his shoulder.
"Jace no." Clary screamed

Jace's eyes shifted to a pale blue, before the tentacles opened into his face revealing the demon's mouth before bursting into ashes. Clary's eyes were wide staring at the spot Jace once stood.
"Clary, we have to go. You did good." Magnolia said
Clary stayed staring at the spot, as Magnolia stood in front of her.
"Clary!" Luke yelled

The two girls stood beside one another, Clary holding her weapon out shaking as Magnolia's hands were ready.

"Get back! How do we know you're Luke?" Clary asked

"I got you spray paint for your birthday." Luke said

"How can I trust that you're Alec?" Magnolia asked

The Stars, The Moon & Everything In Between// Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now