1.8 I understand.

Start from the beginning

The two continued grabbing ingredients, before one of them grabbed the cauldron.

"The bark will stop the transformation for now, but Luke needs an antidote to stop the poison in his system." Magnus said

"And we don't have all the ingredients here." Magnolia said

"Just tell us what you need and how to get it." Clary said

"No, you stay here." Magnus said running onto the balcony

"Luke will need you when he wakes up." Magnolia said

"If he wakes up." Magnus said

"Magnus!" "Dad!" The girls yelled

"I'll go." Jace and Simon say

We all turn to look at Jace walking in, blood on his face.

"Great, there's about to be a "mine is bigger contest." Magnolia huffed

"Jace, what happened to you." Magnus said

"Luke's car may have found its way into a pole while I was stashing it. I don't do mundane driving." Jace said
"That's why we portal." Magnolia said before walking out

"What do you need?" Jace asked

"No, I got this." Simon said

"Phoenix eyes, moon salts and Idris fulgurite." Magnolia said walking in before walking down the hall

"Oh and one more thing, we're going to need Alexander." He said looking at the three

"Why do you need Alec?" Jace asked

"Virgin Shadowhunter energy for Lia." Magnus said

"That explains so much." Simon said

"Um, Alec yeah. I can't." Jace said

"Jace, just ask please. You need to talk." Clary said

"Trouble in paradise?" Magnus asked

"We need those ingredients." Magnolia yelled down the hall

          Magnolia was standing by the cauldron stirring the chunky mixture, throwing things in, her father beside her doing the same. Clary walked over looking at the concoction, confused.

"What's all this for?" She asked

"The base for the potion." Magnolia said

Magnus poured in a glowing liquid as Magnolia stirred it in.

"We need to have it ready before your boy toys get back." Magnus said

"What if they don't get back in time?" Clary asked

"You can't think like that, biscuit." Magnus said

"Think positive, birdy." Magnolia said walking from the two

"That's all I can think about. Guys, I don't know if I can do this anymore. Okay, I'm an art student, all of my adventures are supposed to be two-dimensional." Clary said

"Who says?" Magnus said

"Me." Clary said
"Well, paint a better picture." Magnolia said grabbing something off the shelf

"Look, it is one thing to draw monsters and demons, but it is completely different to see them up close and personal. I don't know what I'm doing." Clary said
Magnus and Clary walk back toward Magnolia, stirring the cauldron.

"Don't sell yourself short. You forget, I've seen you in action, Clary Fairchild." Magnus said

"Jocelyn! No, don't... don't..-" Luke groans

The Stars, The Moon & Everything In Between// Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now