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It was half way through the summer break. I still hadn't guessed the correct person for Chloe's crush. I swear I've guessed every Slytherin. I've even started guessing the girls and different years.

Snapes actually been alright. He's helped me with some homework that he didn't really understand. Since it wasn't potions or D.A.D.A.

I have told him that it was me and Charlie that was tickling Dumbledores ankles that one time. He told me he figured it was me. As he has heard me say Dumbledore before.

I've received a letter from Liam and Noah. This is what is says.

Dear fragile Luke
I hope summer ain't that bad with Snape however I bet he has you doing extra potions doesn't he. Anyway happy birthday you have finally caught up to us. Now it's only Charlie. Grandmas been wanting to meet you. You will have to soon as well as Charlie. I've shown her a picture but she says it's not enough. She used to be a Slytherin herself. Anyway just found a picture of Scabbers that thing still gives us the creeps especially knowing it was a grown man. We will see you soon don't forget to write back. And if Snape doesn't let you tell him to bugger off.
From the not so fragile
Liam and Noah

I showed Snape the letter since he wanted to know what it says. Liam and Noah had posted a picture of Scabbers with the letter. I didn't want it so I gave it Snape. He put it on his mantelpiece and left it there. It still freaks me out that a full mass murderer was hiding inside that rat.

I also got a letter from Charlie this is what it says..

Dear Luke
Hope Snape ain't being too mean if he is tell him to politely fuck off. Happy birthday though I can't believe I'm the youngest out of the friend group. I don't even look the youngest. Anyway I have grown much taller and I can officially say I'm taller than you unless you have grown. Father and mother have said that they have missed your company. Father said they might get a divorce but we'll see honestly I'm not that fussed if they do. It's just extra Christmas gifts for me. I was wondering if you could ask Snape what is a maxima potion and what's it used for. I found it in my dads office and been tempted to try it.
See you soon
Charlie Walsh

Before I wrote back to Charlie I asked Snape what it is. He wrote it instead since he said the explanation is too long apparently. I'm pretty sure he's having more fun reading these letters than I am.

I also got a letter off Chloe....

Dear luke
Charlie's given me the address of Snapes house so I could send you this letter. I hope Snape doesn't mind and if he does tell him it's Charlie's fault. I heard you and my brother pretended to be Ron and Harry around Dumbledore. Don't worry I won't tell Harry or Ron or Hermione. Just be careful next time you nearly got caught. Harry is spending the summer break with the Wesley's at a campsite apparently. This year the triwizard tournament is taking place!
Happy birthday
From Chloe

"Snape!" I called out as he walked over to me.

"Yes Lucas"

"Who's our new D.A.D.A professor?"

"A man called mad eye moody"

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