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It's been 2 weeks since our move, me and javon are now close friends, His twin is a bitch.

I met javons family, jayla is so pretty and jessica is so nice. Daelo's such a cutiepie.

Buford high is pretty nice, I met my now bestfriend luisa. She brings out my sunshine and so do I to her.
She keeps shipping me with jaden just because he's mean to me.

Well, I won't fall for him.

It's 5 am on a monday, I wake up extremely TIRED and sleep deprived.

I wake my mom up and let sadie sleep, she isn't in school yet.

"Go shower now, javon, jaden and luisa are gonna come here and pick u up in an hour"
My mom tells me

"Yeah mom I know the 2 month trip and all"
"Gosh that's so long without you and sadie im gonna start crying"
I tell her joking a little

"Stop being such a cornball, you'll be alright I trust you so much"
She says

I go shower and pick out my comfiest outfit, I only do my eyebrows, put some lipstain on and top it off with lip gloss.

I go down with 3 big bags full of new clothes paid by my dad.

"Mom these are sooo heavy"

"Oh stop complaining and eat"

I eat my breakfast, gargle and retouch my lip makeup.

No more than 5 minutes later I hear a car beeping outside

I open the door and see javon and jaden

"Goodmorning y/n looking pretty today"
Javon tells me and hugs me
"Haha I look pretty everyday javon"
I laugh and hug back

"Morning y/n"
Jaden says to me coldly

I don't acknowledge him as they both get in and help me with my bags.

"Im gonna miss you so much my daughter" my mom tells me
"Momm stop Im gonna cry" I tell her already crying

"Have fun y/n"
a high pitched sadie tells me
"Oh I will have fun, for you sadie"
I kneel down and hug her

I get up and go into the passenger seat behind

I noticed Im sat beside jaden and luisa's upfront.

"Waaa luisa I wanted to cuddle"
I whine to her
"Cuddle with jaden, y/n!"
She tells me

I get silenced as me and jaden just stare at eachother for a second.

We look away and face out of our windows falling asleep.

20 minutes in we arrive at school since it's so early that there's no traffic.

Javon parks the car and we all get out

"Ladies relax we'll handle the hundred bags"
Javon says jokingly
"Haha I love u so much javon"
Luisa hugs him and pecks him on his cheek

"Ugh gross" me and jaden spew in sync

We both laugh a little, we smile at eachother but he quickly turned away

They get our bags and load it up in the fancy bus our school got for our class.

I mumble under my voice
"I will never understand that guy"
"Give him a chance y/n he's just acting tough but he's nice I swearrr"
luisa assures me
"What chance? He's mean"
I tell her
"You'll see for yourself y/n"
Luisa ends the conversation

We both walk up to the bus, and meet up with javon and jaden.

We get in and there are already people settled in for the long 8 hour drive.

We hear an announcement telling us to do our business because there will be absolutely no bus stops.

"Thank god I have food with me"
Jaden tells javon
"Yeah mom packed so much haha"
Javon replies

We go to the back of the bus and see 4 seats empty

Luisa pulls javon with him and sits him down next to her

Im left with the option to sit down window seat behind them or sit at the very front of the bus.

I choose to sit down behind them and to my surprise jaden sits down next to me

"Can't believe I have to sit next to you"
Jaden complains as he sits down
"Its either here or at the front, you had a choice jaden"
I say back

"Oh you're so annoying"
I complain

The bus assistant asks if everyone has settled down and we all yell yes.

I fall asleep resting my head on the hard surface to my right.

It was kinda hard because of all the quiet giggling noises luisa and javon kept making.

I Won't Fall For Him | Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now