"Okay look

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"Okay look. I'm sorry about not clueing you in it's just..." Laura started to say before she grew quiet as we sat in my living room.

"It's just what?" I asked as Derek sat forward looking me straight in the eyes.

"For the last week you've kind of had this murderey look in your eyes, so we thought we could handle this while you just took a break from Peter." Derek stated as I sighed before I looked at Scott and Stiles.

"You two think the same?" I asked to which Scott nervously nodded while Stiles scratched the back of his head.

"Look Leon your best role model a pair of dumb asses like us could ask for, but ever since that fight at the School you've been acting kinda scary if I'm honest." Stiles stated as I sighed before I glanced at my hands remembering the blood that covered them.

"You're right and I'm sorry. I'll try to do better at talking about what bothering me instead of just stewing in my pity." I said as Scott and Stiles nodded before I turned to Laura and Derek.

"So what do you know?" I asked as Laura smiled before she pulled out a folded up piece of paper with a drawing on it.

"Ten years ago Adrian Harris was visited by a woman wearing a necklace with this symbol on it. She's the one who set the fire." Laura stated as she handed me the drawing before I turned to stiles.

"Stiles can you bring out the board." I stated as Stiles gave me a mock salute before he ran off into the room and wheeled out our murder board.

"What is it Leon?" Scott asked as I approached the board and pulled down Kate Argents picture.

"Anything familiar?" I asked as I showed the picture of Kate Argent and the drawing of the necklace side by side to which the pack moved closer only to see Kate wearing the necklace.

"Kate set the fire. She's the one Peter wants." Laura stated as I nodded.

"How did you know?" Derek asked as I smirked.

"As a vampire I can look through the memories of other people. Every one who had a hand in the fire has a memory with a girl looking just like Kate." I stated as Derek gave a look seemingly impressed.

"You fellas need a ride home?" I asked as Stiles shook his head while jingling his keys.

"Nope. Roscoe gots us." Stiles said referring to his jeep before him and Scott walked out heading home for the night before I turned to the two Hales who were standing looking awkward.

"Fine. Pick a room." I said with a smirk as Derek and Laura softly smiled before they walked off heading upstairs to the living quarters.

" I said with a smirk as Derek and Laura softly smiled before they walked off heading upstairs to the living quarters

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