Chapter 35- Hoodie

Start from the beginning

I don't think the crew has noticed I'm here yet, so I decide to greet them. "Hi guys," I mumble out. Their heads turn in my direction as Jayden walks over. "Ay ZZ my favorite sister!" He hugs me from behind "Aren't I your only sister?" I question. "Minor details, what's up with the hoodie?" He tugs at my collar as I eye Dante.

"It's cold." "Right."  "Hey Zaria, long time no see," Ryan says waving. "Your brother shot me by the way. I guess it's a thing with you siblings beating on me?" My mind drifts back to the night of the party when  I went ninja on Ryan with a hanger.

"Sorry about that," I mutter as Jayden sits down next to me. "What's this algebra?" He picks up my paper writing nonsense. "Give me that! It's advanced calculus." I snatch my paper back as well as my pencil.

"Zaria," Dante says my name in a blunt tone causing me and Jayden to look at him. "Bethany and a friend of mine are coming over. We have to work on this stupid project." He grumbles

"You mean Brittany, and ok. Carter is coming over too." "Carter?" Jayden peeps up. "Yes, Carter. My project partner." There's a knock on the door and Dante goes to open it. "Dante! Hi!"
A brunette a bit taller than me throws her arms around Dante's neck hugging him. Jealousy hits me like a ton of bricks.

I have no right to be jealous what is going on, get it together Z.

He pushes her off as if she'd burn him. "Don't touch me. I bite my cheek to keep from laughing. "Sorry baby. Oh, who's she? She glances at me as I put my focus back on my work. "My roommate." Dante keeps it short, and blunt.

"Oh! Well let me introduce myself, I'm Heaven, Dante's girlfriend." Girlfriend. Girlfriend?!  I glance back at Dante's who's glaring at her.

"Stop saying that shit. I'm not your boyfriend, far fucking from." He snaps. The brunette goes to speak before there's another knock on the door. Dante opens it once again revealing Carter. "Hey!" I pop up from my seat standing behind Dante who's still blocking the door.

"Excuse us." I grab his hand and drag him into my room. "I'll be right back I need to grab my stuff. I quickly go back to the table and gather my stuff. "We're going to head out ZZ, see you later." Jayden pats my head and I swat at his hand.

"Bye, guys. I wave before returning to Carter. "Ready to get started?" He questions and I nod.

                          . . .

"And that's the last of it." I turn my computer so Carter can see the completed document. "Looks good." I stare at the computer screen and I notice Carter's eyes shifting down. My hoodie. It slipped down making my burns and... hickey visible.

"Zaria oh my gosh, are you ok?" He places his hand gently on my neck turning it causing me to flinch a little. "Did- did Dante do this? Are these bruises? Did Dante do this to me? seriously? "I did it. I was curling my hair. Dante wouldn't hurt me, Carter, I know that." I snap fixing my hoodie.

"Zaria's he's not the good guy you think he is-" "The projects done. You can go." I stand from the floor opening my room door. I step out and notice the blonde is here as well. She and the brunette are busy gawking at Dante as he types away on the computer. Who would've thought he does his work?

I tear my eyes away from them as I walk Carter to the door. "I didn't mean to upset you Zaria-" I suddenly didn't hear the sounds of typing anymore and I felt his eyes on me.

"It's fine Carter. I'll see you in class. "Wait-" he catches the door and leans in kissing my cheek. I freeze. "Goodnight." I close the door and try my best not to look at Dante. I can feel him burning holes in my head.

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