Turning away from her, I strode across the room towards the entrance. Just as I reached to close the door, though, I paused.

"For heaven's sake. The door won't fall off its hinges if you touch it."

Becca swept past me to slam it shut, and the waft of her perfume transported me straight back to that night a year ago. My lips on her neck. Her hands on my belt. The poor decision that nearly led to me losing the most important person in my life.

No trace of that timid fan girl remained. This woman could barely stand me. All because she'd seen a side that few others had. The man behind the mask.

With no working electrics in the room, and just two rotting windows, we stood in near darkness. The brief respite from her hostile body language gave me the confidence to push ahead.

"It's about my donation," I said. "I meant what I said at Gabby's party and fully intended to follow through. Unfortunately, I've since been advised against it because of what happened between us."

"And what did happen between us?"

"Let's not play this game, Becca."

"What game?"

I ignored her attempt to derail me. Business head on. Focused.

"I'm passionate about the cause, and I want to be involved. I'll personally promote the hell out of this to fundraise the amount I initially pledged. If you don't want me involved, then say."

A stream of sunlight bounced off her red hair as she shook her head. "That's a shitty comment to make. You know how important this is to me so obviously I'm not going to turn away your help for a matter of pride."

"And you know how important it is to me, too."

"Yes. I know exactly how important it is to you." Her voice dropped to a dark bite.

I didn't like that tone and the clear insinuation behind it.

"We've probably got two minutes before my protection officer checks in on us. Let's hash this out now."

When all else fails, adopt Soph's approach. It hadn't worked with Mac, but second time's a charm, right?

"I think you're playing a game," she said, "and I hate being a pawn in your quest to promote your good-guy brand."

"Right." I nodded slowly. "So your resentment towards me has nothing to do with that night, then?"

"It has everything to do with that night, actually. That's how I know you're playing a game."

Her confession instilled both shame and frustration in me. Had I really hurt her this much, or was it her subsequent lies that had caused the damage?

"My intentions that night were genuine, Becca. I got carried away, and I'm sorry that ended up hurting you. But the way you reacted by manipulating Soph... That was far worse than what I did."

"Exactly." She forced out the word through gritted teeth. "It was a reaction. A reaction triggered by what you did. I know I was just some easy fan girl to you, but don't stand there and pretend you have no idea about the influence you have over your fanbase."

"You were the one pushing for things to go further. And for the record, I didn't take you back to my room because you were an 'easy fan girl'." I used air quotes to stress that they weren't the words I'd choose myself. "I took you back to my room because I wanted to talk about a cause I'm passionate about."

She scoffed. "Yeah? Then why did you kiss me?"

My stomach dipped. Brave girl. I didn't think she'd have the balls to call me out, but everything about her attitude now was totally different to her coy demeanour that night. She'd been endearing. A breath of fresh air. Shy about everything other than her cause, like her sincere passion for it overpowered any nerves towards me.

Written in Stone (Heart of Stone: Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now