-☆ Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Nɪɴᴇ ☆-

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Violet twisted round to see the last person she expected, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum.

It, of course, was Diesel.

Diesel took one look at the crowd of Cranks running towards the group and leapt on top of a broken car and yelled, "Get down!"

"C'mon," she screamed, "Duck!"

Vi waved in Thomas's face just as Diesel shook a gun from his pocket. Rounds upon rounds of bullets whizzed past them, Cranks dropping like flies.

Thomas's eyebrows flew up - he was probably realising how Diesel earned his nickname. He was known as Bullet across this entire region of the Scorch- kind of a hated celebrity.

See, he was also known for making promises and then betraying them. The sleazy arse he was.

Violet honestly wished she'd seen it sooner - how much of an asshole the guy really was. Or, as Minho liked to say, a shank.

The Crank with the large bazooka hoisted it above his shoulder and swung the weapon high, scouting for Diesel.

Shit. Diesel hadn't seen him yet. Vi then decided to take it into her own hands, as much as she would've liked to see him blown up.

Watching carefully, she rose and began a sneaky advance towards Bazooka, stalking up a pinching the back of his neck, not too hard in case he automatically pulled the trigger. He froze, fumbling.

In one swift move, she kicked the backs of his knees so ge buckled, then strained a little taking his bazooka. It was heavier than she expected.

Violet snatched her pistol from her belt and shot him in the head, not looking at the remains.

Finally, the last of the noise lessened. She smirked to herself. Diesel had missed multiple of his targets.

"Your aims off." She said, walking towards him. She was trying her absolute best to portray confidence and act unbothered. Obviously, in actual fact, she was quite bothered. "Plus, you didn't see the bazooka. You're welcome."

Newt took his hands off his ears, and joined Minho and Thomas's cautious advance. They didn't trust him. A tiny burst of pride swelled in her chest.

"It's been a while." Diesel said, not going furthur on the topic. Violet gritted her teeth. The knife in her heart drove deeper at the sound of his voice.

She couldn't look at him. Thomas clearly sensed something, and straightened his stance, reaching out his hand.

"I'm Thomas. You must be Diesel," He said, and when Diesel looked him up and down, staring at his hand, he withdrew it quickly. "That's a firm handshake you got there."

Ready for a distraction, she left the awkward boys to themselves to pick up her precious arrows. They were stuck in the chests of several Cranks littered on the ground.

Slowly, she plucked them from the blackened bodies. Since Base was, well, gone - she had to be careful with how she spent them. There wasn't exactly a place to get a refill for her arrows.

After she'd collected them all she tucked her bow and arrows back into her pack, before moving to the group.

She had only strayed barely a hundred metres, so she returned easily. "Hey Fry, Aris, hey Rudy. I was just grabbing my arrows."

Diesel tore his almost annoyed gaze away from Thomas. Now, he was looking at her, but she didn't look back. She wasn't ignoring him, more pretending not to notice his hidden glances. His gaze made her uncomfortable. So did that beard.

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