Despite you still recovering from your nightmare you got up and went to go see the boss.

They needed your help with a simple bank robbery as a get-away driver.

So you went on and in the end things went south and you ended up being left for dead in a crashed car about to explode.

It was seemingly over for you, but in that moment, that same voice from your dreams whispered in your head.

"Allow me."

Just then, an odd black substance suddenly enveloped your entire body forming a new shell around your body giving you a new form.

This allowed you to break out of the car and get away from the explosion

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This allowed you to break out of the car and get away from the explosion.

With you safe, your new form dissipated returning you to normal as you questioned what happened.

The voice in your head explained that it was a Symbiote, a species that attach themselves to hosts and grant them power.

That's when it clicked, that Meteor you went near had this creature, something you compared to a parasite.

Though the Symbiote was offended when you compared it to a parasite.

So you had powers now...powers you could use for the one thing you craved.


You would finally get revenge on the gang that took your life, something your symbiote happily agreed to help you with so long as you both could eat the bodies of those you killed.

A Symbiote requires sustenance after all and you'd gladly give them something to devour.

So from there you adopted the name "Venom" and began to terrozie the gang, taking out each member until you finally made it to the Meta Human in charge.

However, just before you could end his life, the Justice League suddenly burst in having finally tracked you down.

A battle ensued and during that battle you finally managed to kill the gang leader and devoured him.

From there you tried to escape and put up an extremely hectic fight against the Justice League.

Unfortunately the League managed to find your weakness.

The hero Black Canary let out her signature sonic screech and you discovered your Symbiote does not like loud noises.

You were incapacitated and sent to a super prison where you stayed for a good while until someone came to visit your cell.

Amanda Waller:

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Amanda Waller:

Amanda Waller herself who heard about your fight with the League and thought you'd be a fitting candidate to join Task force X.

You originally weren't interested, but Venom convinced you to take the deal cause not only would you get a reduced sentence, but also find new victims to devour.

So you both accepted the invitation to join the Suicide Squad and so your new life as a Venom had begun.

Theme song:

Love Interest:

Killer Frost/Louise Lincoln:

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Killer Frost/Louise Lincoln:

Louise Lincoln AKA Killer Frost.

You had met her during your first mission as a member of the Suicide Squad.

She was part of the team along with a few others and you being a horny young adult immediately attempted to flirt with her.

Obviously she rejected you and tried to kill you, but Venom of course wouldn't allow that.

You didn't give up however and vowed that she would be yours and over the coarse of the mission she slowly started coming around.

She opened up her icy heart to you and once the mission was done she finally returned your feelings and you both ended up running off to Keystone together to start your life as a villainous couple.

There we have it, another idea done.

Now the reason I chose Killer Frost as the love interest is because I believe she's pretty underrated and deserves more love.

Plus her Assault on Arkham design was just...ooh boy I was acting up when I saw it.

Anyway, see ya'll later.

Future Stories, Ideas and Suggestions for anyone to try out if they want part 3Where stories live. Discover now