17) hate or friendship?

Start from the beginning

Little lion 🦁: yeah 😂

Banana: Lewis?
Oh wait Max thinking what I'm thinking

  *Little lion 🦁 added Nico R*
*Little lion 🦁 named Nico R: Britney*

Banana: perfect

Britney: what? Who is here?
And why is my name Britney!?

Sir Lewis: hahah that's in your face rosberg

Britney: 😒🙄

Little lion 🦁: so Lewis you didn't answer

Sir Lewis: no brocedes never happened the fans are just delusional

Britney: omg wtf why would we be together

*Private chat btw Max, Charles and Lewis*

Lewis: ok you won we're together 😒

Charles: finally

Max: we were right!

Charles: 😂

Lewis: 😮‍💨
You're exhausting me

Max: love you too Lewis

*Private chat btw dear💙 and liebe🩵*
Liebe 🩵: I told them
Max and Charles

Dear 💙: and you're ok with it?

Liebe 🩵: yeah I trust these two

Dear 💙: ok then I trust them to if you do
Can I stay in the group?

Liebe 🩵: of course


Sir Lewis: I don't know me why would we date
Ask them

Sir Lewis: George truth or dare

Britney: truth or dare ?! Really 😂

Facts: dare

Sir Lewis: go text the person you love and show us the answer

Little lion 🦁: oohhhh

Banana: 👀


Albono: hey guys we have something to tell you...

Facts: we are together

Banana: Fucking finally!

Little lion 🦁: Knew it!

Gridmum: language and guys...   We are happy for you

Albono: Thanks

Facts: Pierre truth or dare

Tripod: truth

Facts: would you rather be in a better car with someone you don't like or be with one of your favourite people in a worst car

Tripod: wtf 😭 why would you make me do this again
I'll choose Yuki

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