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Professor William James Moriarty sighed, collapsing back in his classroom chair after finishing a long day of lectures. He knew that he was more uninvolved with what he was saying than his students were, and that was saying something. Although he wouldn't like to admit it, he had been losing sleep lately while grappling with his confusing array of emotions for a certain detective.

While he was brilliant, he knew what his feelings meant. He just didn't want to accept them. He knew that, with the society he lived in and his future plans, that whatever efforts he put in regarding those feelings would ultimately result in nothing, or something unfortunate.

The detective had been occupying his mind, consuming his thoughts and causing him to lose a lot of sleep. The bags under his ruby red eyes were evident, and they had lost the usual glow they possessed.

His brothers, Louis and Albert, had noticed that William had been acting off as of late. Louis had made his favorite meals, Albert had been attempting to visit more, and even Fred, Bonde and Moran had been trying to make him smile. He would sometimes humor them, though behind his smile he always held a hint of sadness. However, due to his mastery at bluffing, he was able to disguise his true emotions well.

There was nothing wrong with his life though—besides the hierarchical system that society followed—so he didn't know why he had emotions such as the ones he was experiencing. William found himself wishing that he would see the detective again, despite the fact that his original intent for the man was to merely use him to make his crimes popular.

He didn't doubt that he had been consuming the detective's thoughts as well, though less as William James Moriarty and more as The Lord of Crime. Of course, that identity was confidential, and Sherlock didn't know. Still, it was somewhat pleasing for the professor to know that at least one of his identities was playing with the mind of his ravenette rival.

William found himself having these thoughts as he stared out the window of his classroom. Out in the courtyard of the university, the students were either lounging around on the grass and enjoying the sunshine, or heading to their dorms with books in their arms. He so wished that he could go commit another crime so that he would indefinitely see the detective again, but he knew that doing so would make him overly suspicious and stray from his and his friends' plan. That was something he was not willing to compromise, even if his feelings were overwhelming.

Sighing once more, the young blonde stood up, stretching his arms a little and deciding that it was best for him to begin to head home. He was tired of trying to waste his time at the university, especially because he was failing at it. The seconds seemed to pass monotonously slowly. The minutes were so tediously lengthy that William questioned if his clock in his classroom was broken.

He gathered his things and left the campus, earning waves of goodbye from his students. They were preparing for a weekend, something William had almost forgotten about. Right, it was Friday. Meaning that he would have to spend the next two days with nothing to do at his home. Bored, the only thing accompanying him was his own restless mind.

Unfortunately for William, everyone else was planning to go into London that weekend as well, rendering him even more lonely. Louis, Moran, Fred, and even Bonde were going into London for something William forgot. Either it was for leisure or some sort of mission, but he didn't remember. All his plans were jumbling together.

That day, the blonde opted to walk home, being bothered by the fact that he was feeling downright drowsy, and feared that if he were to sit down inside the plush interior of a carriage, he would fall into one of his unwakeable sleeps. His head began to pound with a headache, a telltale sign of overuse. In his overworked mind, he cursed the detective for overly occupying his thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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