Prologue: Wishing Well

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"I deserve to have Desti back. But that'll never happen."

(This is my AU! The prologue takes place a month before the actual story, and there are inconsistencies to be expected! I'm not a expert at writing, unfortunately. I honestly feel bad saying this, but I hate MM/Mario x Meggy. I find it to be weird and unsettling. Please note this story contains: Megsti, violence, Axelony, swearing, mentions of SH and more. Please do not hate and read at your own risk. There are also references to my other story, Dream Come True. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!)

I brush the hair out of my face and peek out of the castle. I have forgotten how long it's been since her passing. Four years, maybe? Almost five? I know FM said they wouldn't come back. Honestly, he's been shoving it down Melonys throat and I don't find that to be okay. She's still grieving his death, and I can understand why. It's hard getting over a loved one. That's why I don't blame her for using an Axol chonk and pet to cope with his passing. But that kind of stuff is gonna hurt for a while. I don't get why FM has to keep shoving it down her throat just for her theorizing that he could come back.

My eyes pan over to look at the nearby graveyard. We made it as per Melony's request. She wanted a place for me, her and SMG3 to visit where we could remember our dead friends. Well, for me, it's rival. I still miss Desti, even if it hurts to say. I wonder if we could've been friends. She protected me and saved me from death just to "humiliate me"? I doubt that. I feel like she wanted to help me so I could make it out alive and be okay. Like she knew my friends would be distraught over me dying. I wish I was able to tell her how grateful I was, but she was gone too soon. Remembering her death doesn't bring me to tears anymore, but it does make me start wondering why she asked me to win the Splatfest. She'd always compete with me beforehand, yet then she told me to win? Why? I thought she only wanted me to lose.

Something weird is going on. Everything is silent, like the world paused. None of my friends seem to be awake either, even though it's almost noon. It's annoying, but whatever. I can understand why Melony is dead asleep. Maybe everyone just stayed up too late? Not like it matters. I look up at the sky and question if Desti is watching over me. It isn't impossible after all! But... Desti's gone. She'll always be gone from this world. I just want her to be back.

I notice SMG4 finally enter the room and I smile "Hey SMG4!" "Hm? Morning.." He responds, yawning. I don't mind that he is exhausted, it's normal after waking up. I decide to ask him an honest question and ask, "Can you be honest with me for a moment?"

I seem to get his undivided attention and he nods. "If there was a way to revive our dead friends, specifically Axol, Desti and Terrance, would you do it?" I ask this with a slightly sad tone. SMG4 pauses before speaking up, "Even if there was, I don't think it'd be a good idea. There could be consequences. And plus, that's kinda dumb to think. If I were actually able to revive one, I'd let them stay dead."

This breaks my heart in a way, because I was called dumb. Melony deserves to have Axol back. SMG3 deserves to have Terrance back.

And I deserve to have Desti back. But that'll never happen.

I look at SMG4 as he walks away, and I can hear him telling SMG3. Laughter is able to be heard like a cackle from a witch. It genuinely hurts to know that my own friend is laughing at something that I said. I watch as SMG3 walks out from the room and stare at me with a cocky smirk. The smirk reminds me of Desti, and it isn't fun to remember. "You seriously asked such a stupid fucking question? Why?" He says sarcastically. I speak with a sadder tone, "Because I was genuinely curious, SMG3."

"You know that's a stupid idea to ask, right? We all don't talk about the dead anymore, Meggy." "I know, 3. That doesn't change the fact that I should be allowed to ask anything I have on my mind as long as it isn't inappropriate." I say before walking outside, leaving SMG3 to laugh. I glance at the graveyard before walking to the old castle. Staring into the monster that swallowed the castle after SMG4 went insane, I start to ponder something. What if everything was because of SMG4? I know, I know. Stupid question. But can you blame me? It's just a question!

I notice a small park. Walking over, there seems to be a multitude of kids running amuck, parents trying to calm rebellious children down, and loads of trees, benches, and other things. I walk around for a moment before seeing a fountain riddled with coins in the water. It seems to be one of THOSE fountains. I watch the water for a moment, mesmerized by the way it flowed. I felt the water splashing and getting in my hair, but I don't care. I reach a hand and put it in the water. It's a comfortable temperature and feels cool. I stand up correctly and search my pockets, finding a coin. I hold it in my hand and stare at it and the fountain as I wonder what wish I should make.

I close my eyes and throw my coin into the water. My wish? Easy. I wish... For Desti to come back. I open my eyes just to see it gently glow, which is strange, but I don't care. It's honestly pretty seeing it glow, and I can see people group around to watch it glow. It's weird seeing people group the place and I can hear murmurs. "Is it a sign?" Someone says. "There isn't a way a wish comes true." Another mutters. I roll my eyes and walk off, ignoring what they were all saying.

But... What if their words are true? Can my wish come true? Or is it just a silly myth? I guess only time will tell me anything. Maybe... Just maybe... My wish will really come true and I'll see my rival again. And maybe.... Make her my friend.

~Thank you for reading to the end!~


||Splatfest Rivals - Prologue END||

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