Ring Leaders Lost Muse

Start from the beginning

Adam slinked up next to them, chewing on a toothpick. "Ugh, what do you want, Adam?" Vaggie said as the fallen angel looked at them. "I'm bored! One on Vaggie, we used to be such chums! Gasp! You could use a buddy~ don't you want a pal-" Vaggie punched Adam who growled at her and glared. "I'm trying to get along with you, you bitch!" He yelled and Charlie growled at Adam.

"Don't ever call her that again!" She said and pounced on the table top. "WOW wow hot stuff, I thought this place was about second chances and forgiveness~! Wouldn't wanna kill one of your guests now would ya~?" He said and Charlie groaned.

Charlie looked to Alastor whose tail was still wagging while talking to Lucifer. "Hey Al! The new sinners will be here soon!" Charlie called out and Alastor turned to the sweet demon Belle. He looked back to Lucifer and whispered to him. "Again..? Tonight..?" He asked wanting to share a bed again and Lucifer nodded softly reply. "Tonight." He walked away headed towards the kitchen to make himself food.

Alastor walked to Charlie and helped her off the counter top, and walked to the main lobby doors with Charlie smiling more sweetly towards the young woman. "Charlie, if I may say something~" He began and Charlie turned towards him, clearly favoring his word as she stopped to give him attention. He appreciated her attentiveness and spoke. "The sinners that come here may not be as expressive as the ones we've already hosted~ be aware that some are out for your down fall~" He said and Charlie smiled thinking Alastor was worried.

"Oh Al! You're so sweet! But don't worry I got this covered~!" She said and grabbed the handle to the door and swung it open, her eyes going up and they widened, tears welding up as she stood there.

"Mom...?" She said, a tall beautiful woman looking down at Charlie with the most adoring look on her face. "Oh my sweet little sky dreamer~" She said and Charlie hugged her mother, gripping into the soft clothes, the tall woman leaning down and embracing her daughter.

"Whooooos hungry~! Cause Mister King here has a fresh stack of pan-" Lucifer's eyes landed on Charlie hugging Lilith and he dropped his plate of fresh pancakes he had just made, his breathing increased. "Lilith..?" His voice mixed with confusion as Lilith approached Lucifer, giving him that usual sweet loving look. "Oh my light, I've missed you." She said, her hands cupping his face, he searched her face in confusion as she kissed Lucifer, holding him close before Charlie jumped on them excited.

"We're like a family again! Oh mom I'm so happy your home! We have so much to catch up on!" Charlie said smiling bright. She turned to Alastor and beamed. "Alastor isn't this amazing! Things are really looking up!" She said and giggled with excitement. "Oh I'm as pleased as punch my dear~!" Alastor said, giving a shaking fist to show how excited he was... except, he wasn't.

When the Morningstar family looked away, he slipped away from the lobby, walking to the elevator and slowly slid inside of it. He rose to his floor and walked slowly to his Radio Tower, entering quietly. He clawed at his smile, wanting nothing more than to tear it off, blood dripping from his face as he scratched heavily. Of course she was going to come back and over see him. Of course, why was he so hopeful that she would stay away. He shook, looking at his blood covered hands and dropped to his knees, panting heavily as tears streamed down, a sting going through his face as the rolled over the open wounds he created. He hadn't cried in years, he hadn't felt this way since he was... a child.

Lucifer stood there confused, watching Charlie and the love of his immortal life catch up. He watched them talk and Lilith smiling and listening to it all, before reaching and touching Lucifer's hand, softly holding it. So many emotions were running through his head, anger, sadness, frustration, he wanted to scream at her, tell her to leave and never come back. But... but all he knew was what Adam told them. Lilith could have been stuck in heaven as a prisoner for al he knew.

He was going to ask but he didn't have too, Charlie did. She asked where'd she been for seven years and Lilith looked so happy to tell her.

"I've been in heaven, fighting for your dream. Talking with Michael about rehabilitation for sinners. I wasn't allowed to leave if they wanted to talk, not until I was finished arguing with them till they saw reason. I'm so sorry it took so long, I'm so sorry I didn't call." Charlie just looked so happy, hugging her mother tightly as Lilith kissed her head softly. Lucifer somehow... felt relief but... the was she worded it felt, off.

Lilith turned to Lucifer and reached out, softly touching his chin. "My love, you're so quiet~" She said and Lucifer jumped a little coming back to his thought. "I'm just trying to make sure this isn't a dream." He said and she smiled at him, reaching over and he softly cupped her face, kissing her softly. But... he felt something off when they kissed.

She used to kiss him so sweetly and full of love but now... it felt forced, tense. He pulled back giving her his signature smile and she gave him... a smile of sorts as she turned back to Charlie.

'What are you hiding...'


Cry about it 🩷

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