Pillow Talk

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Lucifer closed the portal in the main lobby as everyone arrived back to the hotel with their ball outfits. Lucifer looked at the group, a small smile tugging at his lips. Alastor was standing amongst them, seeming in a far better mood than he was just a few hours ago.

Alastor was holding a bag over his arm, a clothe protector for his ball outfit. Lucifer had the same and everyone else... they couldn't wait to rip them out of the protectors and show them off.

"Come on smiles show us ya new digs!" Angel said excited and couldn't keep himself in one place. Husk was laughing at the spider's excitement and agreed. "Yeah man come on, I mean... it's not like it's your wedding dress." Husk said and joined Angel in the banter.

"I'm afraid you'll just have to see on the day of the event~! I know surprises are hard for you all to keep~!" He said and turned away, walking Lucifer.

The blonde tensed for a moment as the red head moved past home, but they both shared a side glance to the other, eye contact being made as they softly glared at each other. Alastor's smile tightened as he got into the elevator, rising up to the 13th floor, the second to top floor.

He made his way to his radio tower and opened it, smile loosened now as he got ready for his broadcast. He was sifting through different sheets of music, and obviously had settled on smooth jazz for tonight. He sat down and flipped the 'ON AIR' sign, starting his broadcast.

Lucifer watched Alastor retreat from the main lobby and he remembered Charlie saying something how he usually does his radio broadcast once a day. That was probably what he was doing.

Lucifer made his way to his room, taking his hat off and tucking it under his arm. He stopped walking as he saw Alastor's shadow placing something infront of his door. "Al?" He said confused and the shadow looked to him with a surprised expression before sinking into the floor and vanishing.

The King scrunched his brows up and walked towards the box and tapped it with his foot. 'Heavy... whatever it is.' The first thing that came to his mind was the head of somebody. He placed his event outfit and hat in his room on the small reading chair by the window before going back to the box and lifting it up gently. He set it on the table and opened it slowly, ready to be met with a disgusting sight.

But instead... he was met with a radio. He had a soft shocked look on his face, his hands reaching in and pulling it out. It was old, but clearly cared for, his fingers moving along the curved details, admiring how it looked. He looked out the window to where Alastor's radio tower was, his face slightly flushed before setting the radio on his night side table.

Lucifer pressed the on button, soft radio static, kind of like white noise, came through. He was about to tune it but the radio started doing it for him, shifting through different channels before connecting itself to Alastor's broadcast.

"Well hello my dear sinners~ we are having a later broadcast than I'd like too due to a certain unexpected tailor trip~" Alastor's voice rang through Lucifer's room as The King made himself comfortable.

The King placed his white coat on a hook before unbuttoning his waist coat and shirt, sliding those off. He stood there in his white high waisted trousers and black boots, his porcelain skin clear and soft over his torso but on his forearms started to turn grey before ending at his hands which were completely black.

"And I might I just say~! What a thrilling trip it was~!" There was a subtle purr in his voice which made Lucifer feel a flip in his stomach.

He went to his bedside table and opened a drawer pulling out a long cigarette holder and placing one in before lighting it. He took a small inhale, his free arm wrapped around his torso, looking over hell from his room.

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