"Sooo, what's up?" Lucifer asked before he could say anything. He noticed Adam looked unusually tensed up.

"Look I—," Adam broke into tears—

Current day (because I really don't want to fucking do this anymore, sorry)

Adam stopped himself from talking any further. Charlie looked at him confused, why'd he stop?

"Why'd you stop?" She asked him. His eyes were closed, he huffed out a breath before answering her question.

Adam opened his eyes, "I can't do this fucking shit anymore. I'm not a 5th grade teacher who spills every depressing moment of my life."

"Ohh, interesting way of describing things," Charlie said. "It's ok. I know that sometimes things are a little hard to share with others. Sometimes things are too sa—"

"No you whacko, it's not that it's too sad for me," Adam cut her off. "I just can't..I don't want to know those feeling again; It's like dealing with cancer."

"You've had cancer before?"

"No—augh, all you need to know is that shit went too deep," Adam told her. Charlie nodded in understanding. "Actually, no. All you need to know is that Luci was a nickname I made for your dad. Wait, what the hell am I doing?! Why am I telling you my flashback? Your just a copy and paste of Lucifer!" Adam jolted out of his seat. What was he doing telling Lucifer's little bitch his depressing backstory? For all he knew Charlie could use this information to blackmail him.

Charlie stood up and rested a hand on his shoulder, "Calm down! Things are getting off of the hill, all you need to do is calm yourself to get things back on the hill!" Compared to Adam, Charlie looked like a twink.

"Don't fucking touch me," Adam said harshly.

"Oh, ok!" Charlie said backing away slightly. "Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything!"

They both stood in silence until Charlie's phone started ringing, she gave Adam an apologetic smile and walked off to pick it up. It was her dad.

Charlie answered the call,"Hey dad! What's up?"

"Char-char! Guess what!"


"One of the seraphim wants to help you with your hotel!"


"Yep! It's-uhh..Emily? I think? She's here with me right now!"


"You know her? I'll let her on the phone real quick." His voice was soon replaced with a softer, sweeter voice.

"Heyy!" Emily said. Charlie squealed happily.

"You're really going to help us?"

"Yeah of course! Sera wouldn't let me but I just thought it wasn't fair! So I ran away!" Emily said proudly.

"That's grea-," Charlie began, but suddenly Adam snatched her phone.

"Emily! How's the band? Are the girls doing ok? Is Sera assigning a new leader?!" Adam rapidly asked.

"Adam? Oh uh, sorry but I'm not in heaven right now! But the last time I saw your band it was all chaos, and I'm pretty sure Sera is assigning a new archangel to be head of the exorcists!" Emily responded just as quickly.

"NO, fuck! I created that band!" Adam said, clear that he was irritated. Before Adam could throw her phone across the room Charlie grabbed it back.

"Emily! Right, so I'll see you here at the hotel right?" Charlie asked.

"Charlie? Uh, yes yes!" Emily agreed.

"Great! Tell my dad I said bye! Bye, I'll see you soon, Emily," Charlie said.

"Kay' byeee!!" Emily said, Charlie ended the call. She was smiling ear to ear, her smile was maybe even bigger than Alastors! She turned to Adam and hugged him tightly, she didn't care if he was an asshole at the moment. Nothing could be better than this! "Adam, do you know how much this means for the hotel?!"

Adam shoved her off, "Yeah. It means a lot!" He said with a sarcastic tone. Ignoring his sarcasm, Charlie called the other residents down and informed them.

"That's amazing!" Vaggie said. Charlie nodded. "With one of the seraphim working with us we might be able to actually redeem sinners!" Charlie nodded again, but faster.

"It'll be a happy day in hell!!" Charlie sang gleefully.


Thanks for reading! I really wanted to end the flashback early because I really wanted to end it(sorry). Flashbacks just don't appeal to me, maybe there will be more if you guys want more. I think updates might be slower because I need to practice my instrument more(which I probably won't). Anyways, thanks for reading. Upvote or simply comment. And I'll see you in the next chapter!👾

Thanks to my pookie who also ships Adamsapple and is hyping this up♥️

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