Chapter 1

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Charlie was scrolling on her phone on the couch in the hotel lobby when suddenly there was a deafening crash and a bright flash. Charlie jumped up from the couch and looked around hoping it wasn't coming from inside the hotel. After hearing no one yelling she quickly concluded it came from outside, she hurriedly raced to the window to look outside; there was a bright hole in the cloudy sky. That was strange, Charlie had checked her phone earlier, and it had said normal bloody skies. Also, what about the glowing gap in the clouds? She kept her eyes on the hole until it closed up and the clouds disintegrated. So lost in thought, she didn't notice Vaggie and the other hotel residents (except Alastor) had walked up behind her ready to ask questions.

"Babe..? Are you ok?" Vaggie asked Charlie softly. Vaggie's voice snapped Charlie out of her trance.

Charlie whipped around to face the group and said, "Oh..I—uh-huh. Yeah, I'm good! But.. did you guys hear and see what just happened? I hope I'm not!!" Saying "hallucinating" through gritted teeth.

"Trust me, baby. That wasn't hallucination, ya' only hallucinate something that big when ya' on a lotta crack," Angeldust spoke up, putting one of his lower arms on his hip.

"So you guys did see—and hear—it?" Charlie asked them, stepping forward eagerly.

Vaggie put a hand on Charlie's shoulder and told her, "Look, I'm sure it's nothing. The angels must be throwing shit on our cities! It must be nothing out of the blue."

Charlie thought about it. It was true that angels would throw shit and literal shit down on their cities from time to time, but never has it been that loud or had caused a flash. Vaggie sat Charlie back down on the couch and told Nifty to make some hot tea, which Nifty happily obliged to. The others gathered around her in a semi-circle. After a loud 5 minutes of silence Nifty went up to Charlie carrying a silver tray with a cup of tea and sugar cubes, Nifty knew Charlie liked putting sugar in her tea, partially because she loved watching Charlie eat and drink.

With Adam:

Adam opened his eyes, it was..dim? Immediately knowing it wasn't heaven he jerked up and looked around. There were demons everywhere, yet no one seemed to question why he was on the shiny stairs that lead up to the ticking, angelic clocktower. He lifted his arms, they were pale and scarred. Then looking at his robes, he noticed it was ripped in some places and covered in filth. He could still feel the heavy horns on his head, and the wings on his back, but why did he feel so strange? So human but at the same time, so not human. He reached above his head, he couldn't feel his halo, instead he felt something wavy and slightly smooth, hair? Then it all came back to him; Sera had kicked him out of heaven. Sent him to hell, the one place he swore to destroy. Along with that, had taken his halo! At least he was given hair?

Panicking, he stood up quickly almost slipping off the stairs. Righting himself he slowly started leap-walking down the stairs, his heart still pounding in his chest. Once on the ground he looked around but taking in more detail.

"Ok, this is sooo fine. Stuck in the place you swore to destroy," Adam muttered to himself. He walked around as his eyes swept over the surrounding area he noticed a crazy amount of billboards advertising sex toys, drugs, and upcoming shows. One of the billboards was advertising a sex hotel, $80 per night, "Fuck, what am I going to do!? Where am I going to stay!?" He wasn't expecting himself to be sleeping on the streets.

"Looking for a place to stay? If my ears aren't deceiving me that is!" A man said. Adam stopped walking and turned to face the voice. It was a man, he held a cane? Staff? Stick? His hair was red and black, he had ears and antlers, he was wearing a red suit, and had a wide smile that reached ear-to-ear. This man only reached up to Adam's chest so he had to look down a bit, "Alastor! Pleasure to meet you, couldn't help but hear that you needed a place to stay? Is that correct?"

"Uh yeah..Alastor," Adam said. Why was this man smiling so wide? Was hell really that good or is this furry just crazy?

"Well, sir. I happen to be a big sponsor for this hotel in need of residents! Maybe, you've heard of it? Hazbin Hotel, a place for sinners to have a chance at redemption!" Alastor told Adam enthusiastically.

Adam raised one eyebrow and replied, "Huh, oh yeah. I've 'heard' of it." In truth, Adam hasn't just "heard" of it.

"Well? How about a stay! You seem like a good man worth redemption," Alastor said.When  Adam looked at him skeptically he added, "No paying! On me!"

Adam huffed out a breath and gave in, "Worth a shot, I don't have a place to stay anyway.."

"Good! Follow me!" Alastor exclaimed, clapping his hands once. He then began walking using his hand to signal for Adam to follow him. Adam hoped he wasn't about to get jumped by Charlie and her gang of friends.

At the Hazbin Hotel! :

Charlie was resting her head against Vaggies shoulder, and the group had decided to watch Charlie's favorite movie to cheer her up. Although it did not seem like it, Charlie was so sweet the whole group cared about her, even if it doesn't show. Angle dust was cuddled up with Husker, Nifty and Fat Nuggets between them. Alastor was out searching for more demons to join the path to redemption, and Sir Pentious was out with his egg bois.

Without knocking, cause he doesn't really need to, Alastor slammed open the door making everyone jump out of their seats.

"WhAT THE FUCK ALASTOR," Vaggie exclaimed, sitting Charlie and herself back down.

"Why dear, I do hope you and your girlfriend appreciate this! I have brought back a guest!" Alastor told them. Immediately Charlie beamed with flowers and sparkles around her.

"REALLLYY??!! Who is it?" Charlie asked climbing over the couch and skip-walking to Alastor. After being stressed out, some good news would be great for Charlie. Alastor stepped aside to let Charlie see the soon-to-be resident.

Charlie was not expecting to see Adam. Except, it wasn't exactly Adam? The Adam she knew looked cocky, had a halo, and definitely did not have hair. This Adam, well..this Adam had hair, didn't have a halo, and did not look like a cocky bitch.

"ADAM!? WHAT!! ALASTOR, are you crazy!?" Charlie turned to look at Alastor. 

"Oh! Is this the Adam you were talking about? Apologies dear, but I don't think this Adam is meant to cause any harm as of right now?" Alastor calmly replied. Charlie turned back to Adam with a confused expression, behind her Vaggie was filled with rage, hands clenched and teeth gritted. 

Angeldust, Husk, Nifty, and Fat Nuggets were standing a few feet behind Vaggie making sure they wouldn't be in the way if Vaggie began ranting.

Adam simply replied saying, "Sup'." And flashed a rock and roll hand sign.

Words: 1199

Hey! Hope you enjoyed reading this. If u did maybe upvote or simply comment! If you came to ask about my LMK fanfics I didn't really like them so I deleted them, but I will make some if you gals want it! Feel free to give ideas or tips on writing the next chapters, I have no idea how to plan a story/chapter. I'll see u in the next chapter :D

Thanks to my pookie for willing to hype this fanfic up♥️

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