Chapter 1

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"Piper? Honey, are you ready?"

"Not really. Mom, I do not want to go."

"Honey it's church camp. you'll meet new people, make new friends. You'll have fun."

"Fine." I grumbled. I dragged my feet to my car and flung the door open. I sighed angrily and I turned the car over and listened to her growl to life. I popped the trunk and threw all of my stuff in.

I walked back inside to tell my family that I was leaving. I hugged my dad first and he kissed my head. My mom came next and she was close to tears. Finally, my little brother, Allen. I waved goodbye to them as I hurried out the door.

I didn't know exactly where I was headed but I knew that I had a long drive ahead of me. Before I even left the driveway, I connected my phone to the aux and began playing my road-trip playlist. Honestly, not very much of it was worship music. About six hours of it was 80's and 90's country. The majority of that was Tim McGraw, George Strait, Brooks & Dunn, and some Toby Keith sprinkled in there.

I began humming along to the tune of Red Dirt Road by Brooks & Dunn as I backed out our driveway. I enjoy driving alone. It gives me time to think, time to not think and time to just be myself. I can scream along to the music, I can cry, I can do whatever I feel and say whatever comes to mind without being judged.

About an hour in, my phone began to buzz. I picked it up and checked to see who it was. Millie!

"Hey girl!" She squealed.

"Hey Millie! How are you honey?"

"I'm doing okay. I just wanted to let you know what was new..."

"Okay... so what's up?"

"Piper, you will never believe it!"

"You got a boyfriend?"

"That's cold." She said plainly.

"Sorry!" I laughed.

"ANYway, daddy is giving me his lakehouse!"

"No way! That's amazing Millie!"

"I know! But there's something else..." Her voice became low.

"What is it?"

"I'm back with Bryan... don't hate me!!"

I sighed and told her it was okay.

"Millie I have to go. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright bye!!"

I pulled into the drive of the camp and groaned. There was a huge building with siding of dark oak wood. There was a huge bear on the side and a sign that said "Welcome to Camp Heartland".

That's how you know you're in Texas.

I looked around and found no place to park except for way in the back, across a gravel drive and next to a beatdown swing set. Even this spot was in the grass. I sighed and grabbed my backpack and walked inside.

I looked around and it looks nothing like how I expected it to from the looks of the outside. The walls were painted white with a yellow-lit chandelier hanging above a spiral staircase. This just doesn't make any sense.

There was an older lady at the front desk accompanied by a middle-aged man and a young lady who looked like she was in her twenties.

"Welcome to Camp Heartland." The older lady said monotonously. I just smiled and gave her a small nod. She gave me a packet, a key, and something that looked very similar to an alarm clock but I don't think that's what it was.

"Thank you." I said kindly, and walked up the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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