My Job And My Passion {AU}

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Fit would be lying if he said he didn't feel personally connected to some of his repeat patients. Some people never get in an ambulance in their lives, some people only get in once. Some people are like Pac, and end up in one at least once a month. People like Pac form bonds with their paramedics.

"It'll probably be the same procedure." Cellbit had been on duty with Fit all the other times Pac ended up in the ambulance.

"Most likely, it sounded to be the same situation." Fit nodded. He could picture Pac like he could his own family. He already knew all the right things to say to calm him down. He already knew what Pac was allergic to, and what medications they couldn't give him.

"I thought they were referring him to a facility?" Cellbit said, just waiting to arrive on the scene.

"I thought was only..." Fit thought about it. "It's only been like two weeks since we brought him in. I guess he didn't go."

"Well you better go before it comes mandatory and he has no choice." Cellbit crossed his arms. "It's a lot less stressful when you go from freewill."

"I'm sure it is...but drug addiction isn't easy. And with Happy Pills being legalized, it's harder for anyone to get proper help."

"Yeah... we'll probably see a lot more cases coming up. Once it's perfectly legal, doctors are gonna prescribe that shit to everyone so they can get that cheque from the federation."

"I mean..." Fit shrugged. "Sure, maybe it can help some people...but I'm glad we still have some doctors that don't think Happy Pills are the only answer."

"Happy Pills do not help anyone, Fit. They help the people around them. Look at Pac, yeah? He's on the Happy Pills and everyone thinks he's so happy. And yet he ends up in the ER once a month because of the symptoms. It's bullshit, just a weak coverup because the federation doesn't like seeing sad people."

Fit sighed. "Medication can be a blessing and a've got to respect it." The ambulance came to a stop. "Okay, you can wait by the door. I can usually get him to walk out."

Cellbit took a medical kit and stayed by the front steps. Despite him being able to speak the man's native language, it was always Fit that got Pac to get into the ambulance.

Fit didn't get the chance to knock before the door swung open. He was able to great the man by his first name. "Hello Mike, where is he?"

"Come." Mike let Fit inside. "He's down in the basement."

"Same symptoms as usual?" Fit asked casually.

"Yes, the same. But he's been throwing up uh little more."

"Okay." Fit went down into the basement with Mike. Pac was laying down on the old sofa. There was a garbage bin next to him that smelt awful. Fit felt a pang of unprofessional dread. Like he was seeing a family member laid out at their worst.

"Hey, Pac." Fit looked at Mike. "Can you go get Cellbit? He's by the door."

"Okay...yes." Mike went back upstairs hesitantly.

Fit knew better than to get too close to Pac right away, especially when Mike wasn't in his sight. So, he kept a good distance. "Pac, how're you feeling?" He kept it causal despite the circumstances, it helped keep patients calm.

Pac groaned as he tried to move his head. "On–de está Mike?"

"Mike is coming right back." Fit assured. "He's going to go get my buddy." He stayed calm and causal.  "You remember Cellbit?"

Pac curled in at the name. "Não é Cellbit..."

Fit didn't understand it, but Pac didn't like Cellbit. "He's nice." Fit didn't particularly like Cellbit either. They had some workplace arguments, but nothing crazy. "He can talk to you in Portuguese, okay?"

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