1. Noisy Brat?

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Risotto laid in the hospital. He couldn't believe it. That damn man who was his target had shot him into the right shoulder. He was on his hospital bed and read a book. He had taken the ID of a man named James La Canotari. He couldn't risk getting caught.
As he sat there he looked at the room. All walls white, a window in the corner, a desk, a TV. Not much nor good quality but it was okay. Then there was a knock on the door.
"Come in." Risotto said in his usual calm and cold voice. A man with short black hair, in his thirties came in, wearing a doctor's coat came into the room. "Hello mr. La Canotari, im here to inform you that you'll going to get a roommate today, her name is Akita, she's twelve." The doctor informed him. Risotto looked at him, clearly not amused. "Why to me?" He asked, not wanting some brat that would make much noises and would constantly bother him. The doctor looked at him. "There is no other room free. Also this isn't up for debate." The Doctor said.
Risotto wanted to argue with the doctor further, but got waved off. "Sir, I habe to go and your roommate comes in half a hour." With that the doctor left the room. Risotto sighed, but since he couldn't do anything he decided to use the next thirty minutes to enjoy the silence.
About thirty minutes later a knock came on the door. "Come in." Risotto said. He knew this would be his roommate. Two nurses came in. Rolling a hospital bed with a small twelve year old in. The girl definitely was unconscious. The nurses also rolled in two IV-stands, both full of different types of medication and fluids. The nurses set everything up and left, not even saying hello or goodbye. After a few minutes Risotto stood up, he walked to the girl. He was quite surprised. The girl looked very small, pale and weak. She had no hair or eyebrows, she had a small and thin face. He had to admit himself that she looked rather cute. He could tell that she had had barely any sunlight in a few years and that she needed way more nutrients. He looked at the medication on the IV-stands.
It were heavy painkillers, 9L of water, some vitamins, nutrients and Cisplatin, wich was medication used for Chemotherapy. He felt a little pity, poor girl. He didn't knew why but he caressed her hair a bit.
He then went back to his bed,
(Timeskip) 3 hours later
Risotto had been looking after her none stop. She still hadn't woken up and was worried. Suddenly there came a beeping sound from one of the machines and the girl jolt awake, starting to scream and trash around, while covering her ears. Nurses stormed in and tried to hold her down, but she somehow grabbed a scalp one of them had and tried attacking one of them. Risotto, didn't wanted to get attention drawn to him, so he used Metallica to form the metal into a liquid substance. He then stood up and went closer. He told the nurses to get help and as he was alone, he grabbed her in a chokehold, letting her enough air to survive but not enough to stay conscious.
While he held her, he pulled the cables so that the beeping stopped. The girl instantly relaxed as the sounds stopped. She was hyperventilating but went unconscious soon after due Risotto's hold. He sighed in relief and laid her back down. The doctors soon came in and checked on everything, then they left, thanking Risotto for his help.

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