Tony and Wanda bursted into laughter as they watched Natasha chase after AJ. Tony was extremely proud of himself, he had nailed it with the gifts this year.

"Sorry kiddo, I didn't get you a car
I did get you this though" Tony smiled
as he handed her a large box.

"A record player" Wanda smiled as she finished unwrapping the present. Her Father had one in his office and she loved using it,she was surprised Tony remembered.
"Thank you Uncle Tony"

"You're welcome kiddo" Tony gave
her a warm smile before deciding he should help Natasha out as funny as watching her chase after AJ was, he felt a little bad. "Ava
Jay you heard your mom. Not inside, I'll take you out to drive it later"

"You guys are no fun"Aj whined as
she climbed out the car.

The group decided on having a chilled,lazy Christmas morning before the dinner party later. The group decided to engage themselves in eating lots of chocolate, watching many different Christmas related movies, while also playing around/ checking out their new toys and gadgets and various other new items which they had received.

After last year's monstrosity produced by Thor and Sam that was meant to be a Christmas dinner, Tony decided to hire a chef to cook dinner this year. He didn't want a repeat of last years 'TurkeyGate' where all the avengers got food poisoning. Everyone agreed they preferred it this way as they all got to relax rather then a few of them getting to relax and the others having to cook dinner.

Natasha was attempting to try help Sam and Bucky sort out one of their rather pointless and meaningless arguments. They were arguing about who was the most argumentative, which Nat found amusing as they were both just as bad as each other.

"Nat who do you think is more argumentative?" Sam involved her.

"No no you can't ask Nat
that's not fair she'll pick me"
Bucky huffed.

"Yes I would pick you" She teased.
Her and Bucky had a brother,sister
bond so they did argue occasionally
whereas Sam was scared of Nat and
wouldn't dare argue with her.

"Told you, you're more
argumentative then me"
Sam said to Buck like a child.

"I am not. Tasha doesn't get a say
because that's not fair it was obvious
she was going to single me out" Buck

Sam and Buck continued on with their argument, while Natasha continued to listen, amused, until Steve came into the living room and with a very quick and fluid motion, threw a bag of chips at Sam's head.

"What the heck" Sam mumbled
as he picked up the bag of chips
that had hit his head "ooo Bacon
flavored yummy. Yo Steve settle this
debate, out of Buck and i who would-"

"Oh no I'm not involved I simply came over to save my girlfriend from you two and your ridiculous quarrel" Steve cut Sam off as he took Nats hand and pulled her up.

Steve lead his girlfriend towards the balcony, but stopped just before they actually reached the outside. As they stood in the doorway, Nat gave him a confused look.

"If you think I'm going outside,
You're mistaken. It's freezing"
Nat told him.

"Oh no just here is fine"
Steve smirked as he looked up.

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