<<New poetry >>

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New poetry

and now I'm sitting here again, writing my new poetry slam

When I saw his eyes, they sparkled like the stars in the sky. when i saw his smile it was like a drug that made me smile. hearing his laughter made me happy. but he didn't see my eyes, how they sparkled when I saw him, he didn't see the smile I put on to please him and he didn't hear my laughter when I laughed with him. but he saw her in the eyes he smiled when she smiled and laughed and danced with her.

He kissed her...

So again I'm not the one girl I'm starting to feel like I'll never be that girl. I will never be the girl anyone dreams of. I won't be the girl that someone has a crush on. Just a little spark would help me, just a little crush would show me that I'm worth it, that I'm worth being loved, that I have something inside me that should be loved. but I don't know myself what's supposed to be so good in me. I'm pretty normal sometimes crazy sometimes weird but I'm actually pretty normal. maybe that's exactly my problem. But I don't want to change either, I want to be me and I want to be loved for who I am.

I don't want to change so that someone likes me, but what if no one likes me at all?

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