"Excuse me?" Wilbur asked surprised and looked around to see if there was anyone who could harm him.

"Yes, he's here. Your brother is here. The ruler of Simon's Land is right behind you, sir. Turn around there." The girl pointed behind him, and as soon as the brunette looked there, he saw that where nothing was before, there was suddenly a man in a long white hoodie with red sleeves and blue tight jeans. His mask was in his right hand, her eyes shone, making a flashlight as it was already quite dark outside.

"Tommy? Tommy, is it really you?" the brunette asked the blond who stood there, looking at him with an absolutely maniacal smile and a big scar across his nose. It was old and slowly fading.

"Hi, Wilby. How are you, bro? Did you miss me, or did you forget about me?" Tommy asked, smiling, and started to approach his brother with his arms spread. He wanted to hug his brother. After so many years.

"Come here. I missed you so much," the brunette said and pulled the younger blond into a hug to make sure it wasn't just his imagination and that his brother was here with him. "Is it true what you want to do? Do you really want to hurt Dad and one of us?" He asked with concern, hugging the man tighter. The brunette couldn't believe that he was no longer seventeen and a little brother, but an adult man.

"I have much more planned than just hurting. Who knows, maybe there will be death. Two people will die today. And only one of your three will continue to live. And I still don't know who will be the lucky one. Or the unlucky one? That's still uncertain." The man said maniacally and still smiled. He looked as if someone had taken control of him. This wasn't his Tommy. This wasn't the brunette's little brother whom he loved so much.

"Y-you won't do that, will you? Is this some kind of joke, right? You would never do anything to hurt one of us? Please, tell me it's just a stupid joke?" Wilbur asked, terrified, and looked directly into the eyes of the younger blond.

The corners of the blond's mouth went up even more. He stood on tiptoes and brought his smiling mouth close to Wilbur's ear. "I still don't know that either. Who knows what will happen." The blond whispered and laughed slightly at the end. "But you're right. Until you piss me off, your lives are safe." The blond said, as he distanced himself from his brother's ear.

"Now I'm confused, but I'll trust you. Do you want to go to Dad and Techno? I think Dad, as soon as he sees you, will fall to his knees and start apologizing to you." The president smiled and ran his hand through the man's hair. He wasn't sure, but he hoped that Dad would be reasonable and understand what was in the interest of his country's safety.

"Hey, you already know my daughter for sure. That's Clementine. She leads guard patrols in the south. Behind that tree on the left is still my son Shroud, who thinks he's terribly invisible. He's a spy." The blond finally smiled sincerely, and by his side appeared a black-haired boy of similar age to the girl introduced as Clementine.

"Is there still a hidden mother around here somewhere? I'd like to see the complete family." The brunette smiled and waited to see where the next member of this family would emerge from.

"My wife left us two years ago. She was captured by one of the Kinoko Kingdom's people and executed as a spy by someone from Las Nevadas and someone from L'Manberg. From the part of Nevadas that I now own." The blond man explained sadly, looking up at the stars.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but it also explains a lot. Well, let's go. I'll introduce you. The ball will be interested in you." Wilbur smiled as he made eye contact with the two children and metaphorically shook hands.

"I'm in, but only if there are Maso's Balls there." Tommy said and glanced at the brunette opposite him.

"You can never be without them. They're all yours." The president smiled, and Tommy almost ran into the room.

"Among us regular folks. Don't leave him alone with Phil, and always make sure there are at least two of you there. The death of a loved one has changed his wheels." Clementine said, then she and the black-haired boy went into the hall where the ball was.

"Hello, Phil. How are you? Are you enjoying the last days of peace?" Tommy asked as he tapped the shoulder of the older man, whom he had long called Dad.

"Innit? Hello, sir. I'm glad you showed up. Any special reason you're coming to me?" The blond man asked the other blond with a mask on his face. He insisted that he never went anywhere without a mask.

"Sure, I came to reclaim my reputation with you, sir. By the way, your tie is crooked." The masked man smiled and popped another ball into his mouth. Wilbur just checked as Clementine went to chat with Fundy and Shroud disappeared somewhere. Although he didn't know why, he trusted that they wouldn't do anything.

"Do we know each other from somewhere? I don't remember ever meeting a brilliant man who thinks seven times before acting. I'm sure I'd remember you." The older man flattered him and raised his glass of wine to show his great respect.

"You fathered him." The masked man said, taking off his mask to reveal his blue eyes. "Hey, Dad." He smiled and put his mask back on. He didn't want to attract attention here. Ten years ago, they'd pay to find him, and now they didn't care that he was a few meters away.

"Tommy? You're Innit? I expected everything, but this really wasn't it." Phil said surprised and took a sip from his glass.

"So, what? Did I meet your expectations, or should I continue on to you? Eggpirre could use a makeover. Same goes for Las Nevadas, it could disappear with just a snap of the finger and never exist again." Tommy said, gesturing with his fingers that he could snap and do what he just said.

"My expectations of you were lower, but I think you could leave that. Are you doing this just because of my stupidity in the past, or does it make more sense inside?" Phil asked and smiled at him. Tommy had a small smile on his face and was glad he didn't see it. He liked that he had just apologized to him. He apologized to him, and therefore the first part of the plan was fulfilled. His father acknowledged him and apologized to him.

"There's much more to it than you know. But let's leave it for today. Maybe another time you'll find yourself in the position of a father again, Phil." The masked man smiled smugly, and even though he knew the older man couldn't see it, that smile stayed with him all evening and didn't fall off.

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