Chapter 27: Tracking her down

Comincia dall'inizio

Bora Bora!

Here I come Agapi Mou!

"Thanks Timothy. You surely deserve a generous pay!!" I exclaimed exuberantly. After he thank me, I ended the call.

Lauren's POV

We are at one of the finest restaurant in Bora Bora, called the 'St. James', with my friend Angela and Ainsley, before they leave after lunch.

The atmosphere is elegant but relaxed. The service is attentive and well coordinated, and their over water deck makes for an unbeatable location and view. Sitting over the water, eating good food, enjoying a cocktail, and watching a school of flying fish fly by, is a rare experience I've ever had. That's why I love this restaurant.

"So I hope to see you again Lauren!" Angela smiled widely, but with a hint of sadness in her tone.

"Of course. I may come to see you in England one day.." I chuckled softly. She is so sweet.

"Well, we hope to be invited in your wedding if you have finally found the right guy.. and we wish you will before this year ends." Ainsley said genuinely as he smiled sweetly, and he looked at her wife with so much adoration and love. I wished I will found that kind of man who will look at me with the same passion. I know a man who does that to me, but he's already married by now to her.

I forced a smile.

"I wished!" I chuckled bitterly, as I pick up my cocktail and drank it straight.

Angela reach out for my hand and squeeze it, as soon as I put the glass down on the table.

"You will Lauren! You are stunning with a pure heart!! Those crazy men are too blind not to see how beautiful you are inside and out.!" Angela commented sweetly.

"Ohh.. you're so sweet Angela! I would surely miss you.." I cooed and I stood up and so she is and we both shared a sisterly hug.

"I will definitely miss you! Please keep in touch!" she murmured and we both pulled ourselves away. Ainsley stood up and gave me a brotherly hug as well. The we occupied back our chairs when the waiter came with our bills.

"I'll cover the bills guys.." I offered when Ainsley was trying to take the bill.

"Are you sure? I can pay it Lauren!" Ainsley offered but I insisted.

"For the last time..." I smiled. "I don't know when I'm going to see you again guys?" I bit my bottom lip with the sadness I suddenly felt.

"Ok. We will keep in touch Lauren!" Ainsley promised and Angela nodded in agreement. I smiled.

"I will!"I promised. I pulled my wallet and took my credit card out. I had to used my credit card this time. All my cash was wipe out.

After I paid it. I stuffed it in my wallet and we all stood up and walked out of the restaurant while chatting. Hoisting back my bag on my shoulder and putting my glasses on, Angela took my hand and we walk hand by hand, with Ainsley walking on her side.

I'm sure I'm gonna miss them!

Zandros' POV

"She's in Bora Bora?" Mario asked incredulously. "It's closer than Maldives. I never thought about it. And that place was known for honeymooners.." Mario added in disbelief.

"Can we go with you?" Ashley beamed. Mario looked at her curiously.

"We will go on honeymoon right now, let's take this once in a lifetime chance.. Forget the wedding first." Ashley grinned mischievously as she batted her lashes to Mario. Mario shook his head in disbelief. I myself was still shocked how bluntly she is. I knew she's straightforward, but this kind of talk is not something to be so blunt.

The Heartless Billionaire (EBS 3) [UNEDITED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora