Chapter 15: The New Place

Start from the beginning

Priscilla: oh baby, I'm so happy for you.

Tom: you like it ?

Priscilla: it's amazing.

Tom: oh, good to know.

Priscilla: what do you mean ?

Tom: oh nothing, I was just saying.

Tom then diverted the conversation by offering Priscilla a tour around the new place.

Tom: would you like a tour ?

Priscilla: oh certainly, especially when my tour guide is a total cutie.

Priscilla kissed Tom on the cheek and squeezed hit butt and when she saw the shocked look on his face, she giggled.

Priscilla: (giggles) come on then cutie, show me around.

Priscilla skipped up to the front door and waited for Tom to come and unlock the door.

Tom then unlocked the door and gestured for Priscilla to go inside and when she got inside, the first room she saw was the living room.

Tom's Living Room

Tom: so this is the living room, what do you think ?

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Tom: so this is the living room, what do you think ?

Priscilla: it looks nice and cosy baby.

Tom: try sitting on the couch for a sec.

Priscilla sat on the couch and they smiled at each other.

Priscilla: oh this is comfy.

Tom: I know, right ?

Tom then took Priscilla into the next room of the house which was the kitchen.

Tom's Kitchen

Tom: this is the kitchen, this is one of the places that I was looking forward to seeing done the most if I'm being honest

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Tom: this is the kitchen, this is one of the places that I was looking forward to seeing done the most if I'm being honest.

Priscilla: this is a nice kitchen baby, I can see why you were excited about this one.

Tom: well I figured that if I'm cooking as much as I do, I'd like it be something like this.

Tom moved the tour on and before they went upstairs, he showed Priscilla the backyard.

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