Chapter One- Jamie

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It was just before sunrise when a loud, repetitive noise woke Jamie from her sleep. She annoyedly shut off the alarm and got up, stretching and listening to her stiff joints pop and crack. Yawning, Jamie changed her sweatpants for running shorts and quietly slipped from her room to the kitchen, where she grabbed an apple from the fridge. Hurrying to put on her shoes with the apple stuck between her jaw, she unlocked the door, walked into the apartment building's hall, and re-locked it. Taking a bite of her apple, she walked silently down the stairs and onto the dark sidewalk. Plugging her earbuds into her phone, she put on her running playlist and began jogging as Luke Bryan's songs shuffled.

Around three songs- or fifteen minutes- later, someone started running behind her. She smiled, knowing the only other person who could keep her pace was her dad. She took out an earbud and looked over at him.

"You left earlier than usual," he noted, "Nightmare?"

"Nope," she said, "I have school today. I decided to leave early so I could get my regular time of running and still make it on time,"

"Smart. I suggest drinking something before you run this early in the morning- I know we don't need it, but it's better than running on a morning stomach," her dad suggested.

"I ate an apple before running," Jamie stated, quickening her pace just a bit in an attempt to subtly start a race between them.

Her dad smiled, knowing what she was attempting to do. He also ran faster, overtaking his daughter by a few inches. Jamie also sped up, now beside him, and started to become breathless. She remembered her training and controlled her breathing, closing her mouth and taking deep breaths through her nose. Her leg reach grew bigger, beginning to really feel the tug of muscles as they were used to their fullest. Her dad did the same, and they were tied. As the two made their way back to their small apartment, the sky turned a golden red. Pre-morning light washed the city of New York, creating an illusion of blood-soaked buildings.

They entered the building, a light amount of sweat darkening the backs of their shirts, panting from the long jog-turned race. When they got into their abode, Jamie laughed and immediately went to her bedroom. She grabbed the clothes she was planning to wear that day and walked into the bathroom. Locking the door, she shut the curtain and started the water. As she waited for it to warm up, she tore the elastic band from her chocolate hair and started the playlist again. She tested the water, smiling when the warm water ran over her hand, and stepped over the side of the tub. As she wet her hair, she began to sing along to the song playing.

"You could be a cowboy on the Texas plain
Or a plowboy waitin' on the rain
We're all a little different, but we're all the same
Everybody doin' their own thing

I got my dirt road cred when I was twelve
On a no cab tractor hauling them bales
Backing in boats, fishing limb lines
Running bird dogs through the Georgia pines

Step side cover down in peanut dust
Friday night spotlighting, that was us
It might not've been you, but I can't judge
Just be proud of what makes you country,"

By the time the song was done, she had finished. As she turned off the water, Luke Bryan's 'Huntin', Fishin', and Lovin' Every Day' had started. Jamie danced around as she dried her hair, got dressed and brushed her teeth. Her waves of brown hair were combed into a style that could've passed as modern but was really from in the forties. The small action made living in the future just a bit better. Small things that are old fashioned and reminded Jamie of another era- the era she was more familiar with.

A quick knock on the bathroom door pulled Jamie from her momentary haven and had her scrambling around, gathering her things. She unlocked the door with her finger and stumbled out of the bathroom, a pile of things in her arms. She walked into her room, dumbed her running clothes on her bed, and grabbed her backpack from its hook on the wall. She briefly scanned through it, checking if she had everything she needed.

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