Chapter 1

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When he was but a little boy, his grandfather told him stories about heroes.

About huntsmen that showed in the nick of time to defend a village from a Grimm horde or bandit raids.

About their ancestors that were shining beacons of hope on the battlefield, shielding their comrades and leading them to victory.

Such stories filled his young mind with wonder and glee.

He would imagine being one of those nearly mythical heroes and heroines, helping those in need and defending those who couldn't defend themselves.

Wanting to be a hero above anything else made him do stupid things, things that no sane person would do.

In his hubris and stupidity he entered a combat school with fake documents, not knowing what it would entail.

He survived the first day only because of his partner, a woman that was a real hero.

He understood what real heroes were when he was helplessly watching her sad smile growing smaller and smaller from the air vents of a rocket propelled locker when she truly became one, sacrificing herself for the good of the others.

That was the day he understood the consequences of the immature actions he took, the butterfly effect so to speak.

If only he was stronger then she wouldn't need to face that monster alone.

If only he trained harder then he would be able to support her like a true partner would.

If only he wasn't so selfish and stupid then Pyrrha Nikos maybe would be partnered with someone actually capable instead of a guy who was little more than an anchor to her greatness.

With rage and sorrow he trained himself to the bone, in hope that maybe, just maybe, he would be able to bring the monster that killed her to justice.

He was deluded of such ideas when because of his recklessness another one of his friends nearly paid the ultimate price because of his blind rage.

The monster once more escaped with mocking laughter on her lips while he was cradling bleeding out Weiss, the world around him crumbling even further.

Thankfully his semblance manifested just in time to save her but things went only further out of control from there.

Mystical Maidens, old magic and curses, Relics of a bygone era that could and would destroy the world if their group didn't stop the millennium old war that for some reason was reaching its conclusion right now.

With General Ironwood going off the deep end and the literal Queen of the Grimm on their doorstep it was a miracle that they managed to acquire the Relic of Creation.

"Keep going! I've got you!" The blonde swordsman yelled above the cacophony of explosions to Weiss who was trying to hobble alongside him, her Aura broken from one of Cinder's attacks.

That thrice cursed witch followed after them into the portals that they created with the help of Ambrosius, the spirit of Creation that resided in the staff of the same name.

The blue spirit did warn them to not fall from the passageways but he forgot to mention the fact that it was a one way trip.

Ruby and the rest of their friends shouting and banging on the magical doorway in space were proving that enough.

Somehow, nearly all of them made it out. Nearly. Poor Penny took her own life so the powers of Winter Maiden wouldn't fall into Cinder's hands, her smile when she thanked him for their friendship and said the final goodby was forever seared into his memory.

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