Chapter 6: in trouble. Syrus vs Y/n.

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It was a lovely earlier morning as Y/n was sleeping in his bed with Yubel in her spirit form cuddling him however Yubel could feel people coming "y/n woke up we got trouble" she told him as Y/n woke up and and quickly got changed as there was then a knock on the door as he walked over and opened it there was a group of security members there and along Jaden and Syrus as well "let me guess, it's about the abandoned dorm?" he asked as a woman step in front "indeed, please come with us" she said as Y/n listened as the three students listened as they were place in a van before being driven to the academy entrance were they then taken to a meeting room with motors around the three three were on and it had the Chairman, Crowler and Sheppard were on "you three students have broken the rule of enter the abandoned Dorm, this would mean expelled" the chairman said "listen we only entered the dorm because someone was already in there and kidnapped our friend, we went in and saved her" Y/n spoke up "well is that so, well who was the student that was kidnapped?" Sheppared asked "Alexis she was outside the dorm because she was leaving a rose of her brother, however she did not enter the Dorm, she was outside when she was then kidnapped" Y/n asked "then what happened to the Kidnapper?" the Chairman asked "he managed to escape before we could do anything but I did duel him and win however he used a smoke bomb to make his escape but left Alexis behind" Jaden lied as he and his friends knew that he was dead.

"Well now if that is the cause, I believe that this just reasoning" Sheppared said "agreed, we apologize for this mess" the Chairman "now hold on a minute" they turned to Crowler spoke up which annoyed Jaden, Yubel and Y/n along red eyes as well "while the reasoning was just, they still broke the rules and we can't let's go unpunished" he said "what do you propose Crowler?" Sheppared asked a little annoyed "a duel tag duel: these three will face a duel and if they win they can stay, but if they lose then they are expelled" Crowler suggested "I see no reason to do this, they have just reasoning and I believe that duel against the kidnapper was punishment enough, I also believe we need more security at the docks so we can keep an eye on people who are coming onto the island" the Chairman argued "I agree with the Chairman but I as Crowler does have good point, as such there will be duel but even if they lose they will not be expelled, it to show how we deal with students that broke the rules without just reasoning" Sheppared said as Y/n could see the anger on Crowler face as it made him, Yubel and Red eyes chuckle a little.

After that they went back to the red dorm where they started to talk "so at least we won't get expelled" Syrus spoke up "yeah but we need to be ready cause I know crowler is gonna make this a hard duel even for me" Y/n spoke "he right, bro. We need to be ready and that includes you" Jaden spoke as Syrus was nervous "Syrus let's duel that we can see what we can work on and make some plans" Y/n spoke as Jaden agreed as after a little waiting so did Syrus.

After going outside Yubel was behind Y/n in spirit form while Jaden, Chumly and Alexis watched as she wanted to see how they were doing "game on Syrus" Y/n commented as the duel began.

(Y/n LP:4000 vs Syrus LP:4000)

"I start, Draw!" Y/n said drawing as he looked at his hand and smirked "I summon my skilled white magician" Y/n called out his monster was summoned.

"I start, Draw!" Y/n said drawing as he looked at his hand and smirked "I summon my skilled white magician" Y/n called out his monster was summoned

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