Olamdiar the Creator cherished his existence by attaining wisdom from travelling the abominable part of the cosmos. But before his life, he put forward the domain he was growing old with: The black plasma of the ivory being. His journey in fact was to erase the danger of the master domain and to keep the white flame of the core bright enough to be symbolized as the beacon of the invisible sea.

When he knew the world long enough, he could sense the threat of the omniverse and showed up there in his halo that glittered with the tints of vivid stars. Alongside his immeasurable body, his cosmic cloak was carrying a multiverse, and beings resembling Burton.

However, he in the sense of feel was alone, and therefore he indulged solely in the exploration of the world of nobody. He said, 'But I must name this being Olamdiar the Master. And if I am invisible to the life inside me, I must be inside that almighty, sightless being to raise a complex domain. Anyways, I will just believe that in order to keep the world away from diminution. I must keep this world cold!'

Those words traveled so far inside that they were harkened by Olamdiar in the saffron robe. The second oldest entity after Burton, and third in the line of Olamdiar: 'I must be the last! But fortunately, I am a part of the unending.'

The world inside the world inside the world and so on to fathom, and therefore infinity owned and ruled by nobody. But Olamdiar the third called it the Almighty's assembly and believed it as a set of deities who ruled from the string to the thread it passed. If he would not obey the work that had been given only to him, he had to be ready for punishment. But there was more about the Almighty than was known.

In the era of the celestials, the first few members of the Almighty fellowship were scrutinized as the beings of matter and light until the layers of the master domain forged, and then they were all diminished into the sense of the Grandmaster for their next line of assembly, and nobody for the current generation.

Since Olamdiar the Creator passed his will to Olamdiar the Third, the thought of infinity came into existence: 'If I am the last one, I want the numerous worlds ahead of me...I should not be the ending of anything else than my cosmic line!'

Thereupon the thousands of centuries, he in the saffron robe scrutinized the world of Olamdiar the Creator, but that did not excite him. So forth, he went that he passed the multiverse and reached the edge of the grand domain. Although there was no boundary afterward, he could tell the difference in gravity as he stepped in. The vacuum was strong that he was sucked a moment he stood by the invisible line. But before he could vanish, the master domain stirred ahead and caught him back in its gravity.

'You are not a cosmic entity, but you can survive outside, which is strange,' said the black halo with vivid star and dust cloud. 'What are you trying to achieve here, tiny mortal? If it is for wisdom, you should be wise not to risk your life.'

Olamdiar smiled. But he did not answer. He genuflected and left the edge of the halo. He was so fast that he crossed the master domain in a flash while hearing, 'The expansion has stopped. Contraction of the string will begin. If you move ahead and bounce back, you will find me at the point of the thread, from when the inverse expansion will begin. But the world outside the string is unknown...'

But Olamdiar raised his hand and stood steady after the thread. Even initially he hovered like hair in the toilet bowl when it was flushed, his control over his body came back, and he reached before the hole of the thread. Nothingness, it was called. But as he existed there, he brought the dust cloud with him. And through that luminescence, he could see the seven spheres ahead, which were entangling over and over. Their meteoric gyration dragged him in them and hurled him back. Those spheres then evolved into the seven omnipotent beings shaped as him whom they called father. But Olamdiar was scared and escaped back to the string and then to the first thread.

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