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'He is my friend!' said Olamdiar. 'I learned a lot about the matters when we were traveling together on this green world.' He lifted a sand cup that was carrying a cherry blossom in the paint.

'The first Ace, yet an Undesirable! What a fate!'

Beneath the azure sky, there was a sea in front of him, and on the horizon he gazed at, there were mountains, tall enough to hide the morning star, though the star's mellow radiance was everywhere in the ether.

Sipping through the white cup, Olamdiar looked into the eyes of Dhir, and said, 'The sadness of being lonely is as strong as the pain that cannot kill you, but being lonely means either you will die by your own feelings or you become stronger than that.' The old man smiled, and added, 'These words were in his heart. What a funny thing, isn't it? The words of heart, I mean!'

'He must be a wise guy like you, master!' said young Dhir, leaning forward on the rock, and looking at the star rising above the mountains.

'Oh, well,' Olamdiar clicked his tongue, and after a pause, he whispered, 'I hope the words he left for her are still somewhere in the world.'

Dhir turned to him: 'Her? I wonder what relation they could possibly have.'

Olamdiar smiled, saying 'I do not know what to call it, since I do not belong to such an era. Perhaps, you can scrutinize it, and once you do, tell me what to note when we will meet again.' He coughed and looked to the sky as if he was giving a sign to talk no further, and in return, Dhir genuflected, and leaped down the mountain he was sitting on and vanished amid the thin air.

At the same moment, the star began sinking, and the waves behind those mountains soared so high that they engulfed those rocks, and reached the shore, clashing with the feet of Olamdiar, who said, 'The master of the elements always likes to show his trick even at this grim moment!'

Olamdiar in the gray robe kept his eyes on the sky until the voice said, 'Your friend will not come back; no matter how long you will wait!'

'Am I waiting?' Olamdiar whispered. 'Err, I just happened to get the last glimpse of the morning star...' He sighed and smiled after a while: 'Perhaps, it does not want to show me its glimmer. What a fate!'

'Since it's still far, why do not we go and see through the dark,' said the voice. 'We may get a marvelous look. What do you think?'

From the evening sky, a man in a strange cloak came before the face of Olamdiar. His hands were folded, and there was a golden cape on his cloak, though, in look, he was like a mighty man with multiple elements on his visible look, which he later camouflaged it with the blue light as he became a spirit, and added, 'Do you want to moan or want me to tell you what your friend has been through to find his brother.'

Olamdiar patted the ground, saying, 'Master Elorain Ruward, I am not beyond you even though I made this Ananta. Please, sit with me and have some tea. Meanwhile, I would like to hark anything you ought to appraise.'

'You enunciate without exception, my friend,' said the master. 'Quite dearly than I am really apt! But I must kowtow your highness and idiosyncrasy.'

'As you would please!' Olamdiar welcomed him generously as they genuflected to each other, and sat before the White Sea and enormous cliffs. He poured the tea into a new glass that he was hiding under his sleeves, and said, 'Have I ever manifested the first thing I made with The Enthralling Clouds?'

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