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"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK GUYS" Sam woke me. I could hear him opening Jake's door and the "ugh" sound he made when no one was in there then he went to Corey's room.

"You know what brother maybe I like what happened to me better." He said as I hear Corey walk to his bathroom and instead of screaming...

"Ooooo.... I don't know man I think I look good!" Corey says so seriously, I start choking on my own my laughter.

Colby stirs next to me. I turn over and sit up as his eyes flutter open.

"I take it Sam is horrified and Corey loves it?"

"Hmmmm, how'd you know?" I ask rhetorically and we both laugh so hard we didn't hear the stomping or the door opening.

"Dream team strikes again." Corey mutters.

"Oh come on Corey you know you love us!" Colby says making both of the prankees smile.

"I don't even know if I'm gonna move my shit back actually." Sam said after we finished telling them about last night. "Seems like y'all put alot of work into it!" I smiled at Colby.

"Yeah actually Lyric did most of the work. She kept us quiet too." Colby smiled back.

"Ohhhh..." Sam said.

"What?" I asked confused at whatever revelation he had.

"Oh nothing at all." He said almost too fast to dismiss it, but I let it go.

"Alright then I'm gonna head back to the house, don't want to worry anyone there." Sam and Corey took that as a invitation to leave.

As soon as the door was shut I got up and thankfully I waited, because my shorts were on the floor next to me. I knew I had a habit of taking my clothes if I get too hot in bed but I must've been so tired I don't remember.

I jumped into them while Colby laid on the bed checking his Instagram or Twitter

He looked over at me and his eyes widened cartoonishly.

"Oh shit, yeah, I'll take you home." He said so frantically and worried.

"Colby I know how Uber works you don't need to waste gas on me." I giggle as he replied, "But you don't need to waste your money. There's something I need to tell you about any ways."

"You can't tell me about it here?" I asked curiosity taking over my eyes. He noticed it when he looked at me, "It'll take too long, we gotta get you home remember." He winked and I smiled putting my hair in a claw clip.

I grabbed my stuff but when I passed the closet I noticed something.

It was the shirt I got for him at the 'The Ivy' concert, I went to, Colby was gonna go, but he had to help Sam.

"You still have the shirt?" I ask in short surprise.

"Um fuck yeah of course I do. That shirt means so much to me." He said kinda brushing it off as unimportant that he felt like that.

"That's cute." I said turning to him. Holding the door wide open for me to walk through first.

"Come on Ric." He laughed and we headed to the car.

"Bye guys!" I said to Sam and Corey who were sitting on the couch as I walked out

The boys talked for a second and Colby got kinda defensive about something but I couldn't hear them so I have absolutely no clue what they were talking about.

"I'm leaving now." Colby yelled at them and laughed and I walked out the door.

I got in his silly Corolla, he's had forever, and plugged my phone into the aux cord.

Colby drove and sang ridiculously loud and awful to the songs I played.

He turned 'Have You Ever Been In Love' by The Ivy down.

"So I mentioned that I wanted to tell you something." He hesitated.

"Yeah...." What is this about?

"Well, Ric, the thing is, I missed you, like a lot."

"I missed you too Col-" he stopped me.

"No no I missed you, I missed you always annoying the fuck outta me. I missed you and Tara dragging us boys to all the stupidest places to do all the stupidest things. I missed the way your laugh sounded. I missed how everytime I saw you your hair was a different color and miraculously not falling out of your head. I missed the way you held my hand so I didn't feel left out because every single one of my friends had a girl and I didn't."


"Lyric I missed you and you made me realize..."

"Realize what?"

"Do you remember the day before you had to cut off contact. Me and Sam had just gotten out of jail from doing a dumbass abandoned investigation?"


"You're little excited giggle when you saw me , because you wanted to make fun of my shirt, the way you jumped up and hugged me with your legs wrapped around me. Lyric that night after you got the text from your sister that they needed you, you told me you loved me when I dropped you off. And I never got to say it back because you saw blood on the front porch. I worried for 3 months about what happened that night. Tara finally told me some story im sure was just to get me to stop thing about it. Then I dated a girl. She was almost perfect, but she wasn't you."

"That's what you said wasn't it?"

"What?" He was genuinely confused.

"The first night I came back we were getting high you were telling me about her and how she reminded you of me. You said something after you said that. You said she wasn't me... didn't you?" I asked recalling that night.

"Yeah, I did. That's not the point. Lyric the only person I want is you, I missed you so much because I didn't have you. I didn't have the best friend who always thought to make me feel included in couple activities even though we were and I regret that. Because we should be...." He paused.

I loosed a breath trying not to cry.

"I love you Lyric Kincaid. I love you and I want you in every way."

A/n: sorry for the wait guys but, you got a little bit of a longer chapter! hope you enjoy!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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