The aftermath

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Player shoved his bag into the corner of his room, in the space between the door and the stack of books and atalas' on the floor. Flopping onto his bed, he removed his phone from his hoodie pocket, realising that he'd not checked it since he was forced to discard it along with his other items in his locker. He quickly remembered Y/o/ns messages, cursing to himself as he opened them. He had left her on delievered for 6 hours.

He decided to recount his hellish day to her, but not over text, there was a lot of emotion he wanted to let go of through a voice call, and by the sound of her texts, she hadn't had the most spectacular day either. He figured that Carmen and Team Red were engaging in some rest - the lunchtime caper he had guided them through was rather eventful to say the least and there were no scheduled V.I.L.E missions for the next couple of days.

Pressing the glowing white 'dial' button above her chat profile, Player rung Y/o/n. She picked up on the first ring, as if she had been waiting hours for the comfort of his voice. 

"Damn, look who finally decided to call," Y/o/n sarcasically said.

"Oh shush, Y/o/n, you don't know how bad my first day of school was."

"Pwayers fwist day in high scwool awhh," she teased.

"I hate you, you know Y/o/n," Player retorted, chuckling.

Player then proceeded to relay everything from the bus ride to school to how he lost his left shoe in P.E and almost missed his bus, careful not to leave anything about his new-found acquaintance out. He had since forgotten her name, so Y/o/n prompted him to refer to her by 'Sloane' like the name she had used all those months ago in that prank call.

Y/n recognised the story. She had lived it even. But she decided to laugh it off. Lots of people don't make any friends on their first day at a new school and are given a tour by the person who sits next to them in first period, no matter how cold that person may be. It had happened to Y/n lots, Mr Humphrey was practically begging for Y/n to make some friends in his class so she could finally have a partner in group projects. She decided it would be funny to bring this up with him.

"Player, you sound a lot like the new guy in my class, hope you're not a raging incel like him," she obviously exaggerated.

"Oh I bet I am because I can totally imagine you next to be being a grade-A cunt all day," he retorted, joining in on her laughter, "Do you want me to prove it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want me to do a face reveal, Y/o/n, then you can revel in my beauty"

"Oh shut it, Loser, you're just finally ready to show me how 'devilishly handsome' you are," Y/n responded, quoting one of Players common phrases, "I'm like 100% sure that you're not the Sad Sack I unfortunately spent the day with."

Y/n heard the vibration of her phone on the desk infront of her. *One new message* It was from Player. The message contained an odd string of numbers and letters ending in '.jpg' He had sent her a picture.

"Well there's only one way to find out," Player spoke, his voice slightly tinged with nerves.

She stared at her phone for a second, at the notification, at the .jpg code she was sent. Maybe it was just another photo of that stupid cat that he had sent the other night, when he told her that there was something serious that he needed to show her. What if Player actually was the guy in class, she hoped he wasn't as her finger trembled towards the pop-up. After what felt like an age squashed into the space of 5 seconds, Players face materialised before her eyes.

It was him. Player was well... Player. Her body threatened to eject her heart from her chest, expelling it through her mouth in a vomit-like horrorshow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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