Flashback (6mo) - Part 2

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It was Y/n who texted him first. Although Player almost missed the notification due to the absolute thunderstorm outside. Blinding white flashes piereced through his curtains, illuminating him dull room. He glanced down at his phone on the floor, forgetting that was where he had dropped it, swiftly picking it up. The message read 'hee  what byou doiung' Player had to re-read the message a few times, to make sure that he had read it correctly, and that his eyes weren't damaged from all of his screen time. He quickly typed up a response without glancing back down at his phone, focusing his eyes on the wall of code on his screen. 

Carmen had somehow managed to rope him into hacking into the Tower of London. His hands ached with the familiar pain. He had hacked into many high-security buildings before, but this was incredibly secure; there seemed to be defence after defence and it was a grueling task.

His phone continued to light up with text after text. He didn't bother to read them though. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to hacking in and he didn't want to cost himself getting locked out and having to retry over again, possibly jeopardising the mission. He enjoyed talking to Y/n, and he usually jumped at the chance to message with her. She was his one link to a normal life and he had learned a lot about socialising from her like how to have a conversation with someone without staring at a screen, and how to approach new people (although he had never tested that one out). 

What she was saying seemed like common sense, however it had never occured to him to do those things.

"Finally," Player sighed as he broke through the final layer of security. He took a moment to read Y/ns string of texts. Most of them were spelling corrections and apologising for autocorrect, he deduced that she was asking him to play a game together. Whilst they had been friends for months at this point, he had never told her that he is an expert hacker, working to save the world from the criminal organisation VILE. He valued their friendship and he didn't want to risk her thinking that he is weird and hopeless. Of course she knew the basics: homeschool, computer geek (to Y/n, this explained Players ability to hack simple things), hermit; he just didn't want to ruin everything. He was still surprised that she still wanted to be friends. She seemed to be the polar opposite of him.

But at the same time he wondered if that was the reason why they were so close. Every conversation with her was just so interesting.

He responded to her messages with a voice note. He had always hated to text, but Y/n seemed to love them so he managed to compromise. Player challenged her to the Roblox Speedrun 4. Last time they had played, she had beat him by a landslide. She had finished in under 18 minutes while he was still stuck halfway. He had managed to complete it once by building a bridge over to the end with admin codes. But since then, Y/n had strictly banned hacking. Player had protested by stating that she had never made any rules against it, so his win should be valid, but she had reported his account and got it banned for a week so he decided that it's not worth the effort.

Everytime she would win she would recieve a notification telling her how many times she had completed the whole game. She was on twelve at this point. Twelve times that Player had listened to her scream in joy at winning yet again. They had played the game together a fair few times, it took at least five tries for her to even reach the end. For player it took a bit more. He spent most of his time glued to his screens, every waking moment spamming at the keys, so it suprised him how awful he is at these games. Y/n had even admitted to spending days without her laptop and was still able to beat Player with ease at the roblox obbies. 

He had practiced since the last time she beat him, so he was ready for another go, confident that he could beat her. His personal record was 23 minutes (or 2 if you include the hack), it was more than hers but he knew that he could slow her down if he breaks her focus.

Player X Fem Reader [Carmen Sandiego]Where stories live. Discover now