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Rocky was on a call discussing about the export of materials and that's when someone just barged into his cabin. His lips curved into a smile knowing who it might be.
'Hey Ree did you arrange everything for tomorrow'???
'Yeah almost everything is completed. Now I have to send the invitation letter to everyone's email id and it will be done'.
They were discussing about work related stuff but a voice interrupted them.
Both Rocky and Reena look towards the door and found Jenny standing there with a smile plastered on her face. Rocky noticed Reena's face only to frown as he found her smiling.
Jenny walked towards them and hugged Rocky tightly. Rocky too hugged her back but he was keenly observing Reena if she showed any emotions.
Jenny broke the hug and turned towards Reena.
'You must be Reena right. I am Jenny'.
'Yes and Rocky has told me about you. Anyway it's nice to meet you Jenny'. Reena said forwarding her hand with a heart warming smile on her face.
Jenny looked at Rocky confused and shook her hand with Reena.
'I'll leave you guys alone'. Saying this Reena took her leave while Yuva and Jenny stood there puzzled.
'What the f*ck'. Both Yuva and Jenny said at the same time.
'Why she is not reacting'???
'How do I know'???
'Yesterday when I told her about you she was fuming but what happened to her all of a sudden'???
'I think we should increase our dose'. Jenny said glancing at Yuva while he just hummed.

That afternoon
'Rockyyy'.... Reena called entering his cabin with a sweet smile on her face.
'What happened Ree'???
'Jenny is here right'.
'No,she left'.
'Oops. Anyway I am planning for a double date this evening'.
'Double date'????
'Yup. You and Jenny, Shakthi and me. We'll all go and please don't say no'.
'You and Shakthi'???
'Are you guys dating'???
'Not like that. But we use to go for dates before. He's a good guy and I like him'.
'Now Rocky don't throw any tantrums'.
'No I won't come'. Rocky said turning back to hide his anger.
'Please na Rocky'. Reena came in front of him and showed him her puppy eyes.
'But what about Jenny??? Will she accept this'??? Rocky asked irritated.
'She'll accept when you insist. Please Rocky please please'....
'Okay okay we'll come'.
'Yayyy'. Reena just hugged him in happiness and left the place while Rocky stared at her in confusion.

At the hostel
Reena was on a call with Shakthi.
'Shakthi don't be late. They will reach the hotel by 7pm and we have to be there before them'.
'But Ree tell me why are you doing these stunts'???
'Arey yaar yesterday when I was about to enter his cabin I heard him talking to his so called girlfriend on a call about the plan to make me confess my love. They are not in any relationship. They are just pretending it to make me jealous'.
'Still you didn't explain why you are doing this'.
'Come on Shakthi don't you think now it's my duty to make him jealous instead'.
'Yeahh but do you love him'???
'I can't say anything like love and all but I do like him. I feel like I know him more than myself and he feels like home'.
'Why don't you say this to him??? Poor guy is doing so much for you'.
'Yeah I will but only after having some fun. Now you get ready I don't wanna be late'.
'Okay'. Saying so he cut the call.
'Get ready for the evening Mr. Oberoi'.
Reena said smirking.

At the hotel
'Do you think they'll come'??? Shakthi asked.
'I hope so'.
'Here they are'.
'Shakthi let's start the drama now'.
Shakthi and Reena walked towards them.
'I hope we are not late'. Jenny initiated the conversation.
'No not at all and thank you so much for coming'. Reena said while Jenny smiled at her politely.
'Lets go inside'. Shakthi said holding Reena's waist.
Rocky's eyes widened in anger but he choses to remain silent.
They reached their table and was chatting with each other when soft music began to play.
'I think we should do a couple dance'. Reena said to the trio and held Shakthi's hand while moving towards the dance floor'.
There were dancing while Rocky was sitting there fuming. Reena was really enjoying his jealousy. But all of a sudden Rocky stood up from there. Reena was not able to hear their talks because of the music.
'I am done'. Rocky said quite irritated.
'I think we should leave now'. Jenny said and they started going out. Reena noticed this and was following them when a man bumped into her.
'I am sorry Reena'. The man said.
'Wait do I know you'??? Reena was a bit startled to hear her name from the man she doesn't know.
'Maybe or maybe not'. The man replied moving away from her.
'Is there any problem'. Shakthi asked coming towards her.
'No. let's go now'. Reena said holding his hand.

Hey my lovely readers, here is the 7th part. Shower your love on the story. Also check out my other story as well. Also who do you think will be that man.
Do vote and comment ❤️❤️❤️

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